Home > The meatloaf that wasn't

The meatloaf that wasn't

July 5th, 2007 at 09:21 pm

This is a no-spend day. In fact, I haven't even gone out of the house.

I had a interesting struggle trying to make meatloaf today. I decided to use my cousin's recipe, since I like it so well, but I didn't read it carefully. I ended up with three loaves that were very wet and loose. I thought they would firm up in cooking, but they didn't. I checked them at 35 minutes, when I was planning to top them with cheese and sauce. They disintegrated.

I wanted to save all that meat, so I tried to turn it into chili, but the texture was all wrong. So I made corn pone pie. That's a casserole with a thick chili base, with corn bread cooked on top. It turned out great! My cousin said I could make it every day. That's good, because there was so much meat I froze half of it!

My sister and her husband came over for cards -- free entertainment. They brought steamed clams and fruit salad. But we were so stocked with food -- and not big seafood fans -- they took back the clams. But the fruit salad was great with the corn pone pie.

4 Responses to “The meatloaf that wasn't”

  1. baselle Says:

    In the recipe - did she forget the egg to bind it all together?

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    A sure sign of a frugal cook is not giving up the second time it doesn't turn out the way you want but going at it a third time! Good for you.

  3. Mrs. Thrifty Says:

    That was a great save on the meatloaf. You were really creative. I had to chuckle about more being in the freezer. Smile

  4. Carolina Bound Says:

    Baselle --

    There was egg in the recipe, but evidently not enough. Two eggs for 2 1/2 lbs. of meat. They didn't do the job.

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