Home > Update - spending challenge

Update - spending challenge

April 5th, 2012 at 01:44 am

April 1

Lock & keys - $7.49
Comcast - $42.60

April 3

Lab - $23.56
Doctor - $19.99

April 4

Donation - $20.00
Gifts - $17.76
Sweater - $4.35
Items for booth - $2.60
Potholders - .86
Dinner - $5.44

The donation was a memorial gift in honor of one of our Trustees who died in surgery this weekend. Very sad. The gifts, sweater, booth items and potholders came from Goodwill. I'm especially pleased with the gifts -- 2 brand-new games, a scarf, stocking stuffers and gift wrap. The booth items - a Bing & Groendahl Christmas plate and a handpainted Mexican wooden dish. Dinner was a Happy Meal and a shake from McDonalds.

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