Home > Checking In

Checking In

October 26th, 2012 at 02:05 am

I've been out of circulation for a few days. On Tuesday I went in for my outpatient surgery to -- well -- fix my leak. It was supposed to be routine, but things are never really routine, are they? Apparently there was unexpected scar tissue to deal with, thus extra surgery, and the upshot is, I was sent home with a catheter in place. That was bad enough, but once I got home the catheter tube got stopped up with a blood clot and I had to go to the ER to get it flushed out so I could go! Very miserable day.

I'm much better now and expecting the catheter to be removed tomorrow. Living with it is not as bad as it might seem, I've gotten quite used to dragging my little friend around. I wouldn't consider leaving the house, though! My sons are checking on me and bringing me meals, so I am actually feeling quite spoiled now.

I spent $18 on four prescriptions -- super cheap, eh? My son filled them for me and couldn't get over what a good prescription plan I have.

Now I am ready to turn in for the night and I'm really looking forward to taking that painkiller that puts me to sleep!

My neighbor is playing the piano -- I don't mind, because he/she plays beautifully. Kind of a bonus! Free lullabies!

5 Responses to “Checking In”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Awww..nice piano music does sound nice. I hope all is well VERY soon for you! Sleep well.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I hope you heal quickly and feel better soon.

  3. patientsaver Says:

    Get a good night's sleep and feel better soon!

  4. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Get well soon.

  5. Jerry Says:

    Glad you are OK! And yes, your prescription insurance is outstanding... four for $18 is just about unheard of! I hope that you heal quickly and that having your caregivers leads to a nice, relaxing recuperation for you. All the best!

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