Home > A Long Day

A Long Day

December 6th, 2013 at 06:57 pm

Just a little spending this A.M. I drove to work, so I bought a wrap & coffee ($3) at Dunkin Donuts on the way. I packed a big lunch, but since I will be leaving late, I will probably have to get something on the way home as well.

I'm leaving late because I'm choosing to stay for a Christmas program. I don't want to let my crazy commute keep me from taking advantage of the pleasures of the season. And I hope the traffic won't be too bad by the time the program wraps up.

Tomorrow begins my girls' weekend -- I will be driving to Hyde Park this year, rather than taking the train. However, we will, as a group, take the train downtown once we are all together. Tea at the Drake is on, and we will probably go to Grand Luxe Cafe for an early lunch. No hotel expense this year, but I must pick up a hostess gift. I'm thinking a collection of Keurig cups. And I also have to buy another little Christmas gift for one of the girls -- or find one in my stash.

I went to the doctor last night. My knee was feeling so much better -- just like the washing machine starts working when you call the repairman! But I was glad I went anyway. He diagnosed bursitis in my hips, and probable tendonitis in my knee. He gave me a referral for physical therapy for my hips -- he seems to believe it is possible for me to get rid of the pain by restructuring my movements. That gives me hope, as I thought that only cortisone or surgery would help. It would be awesome to be, if not pain-free, at least pain-freer!

1 Responses to “A Long Day”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Your girls' weekend sounds wonderful. Hope you had a fabulous time.

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