Home > This Weekend

This Weekend

March 16th, 2015 at 01:02 pm

First of all, my spending. I spent $31 at the grocery store and bought: tortillas, flour, peanut butter, walnuts, sugar, vanilla extract, canola oil, butter, onions and bread. I spent $3 on laundry. I also spent $23 on aquarium equipment -- a bulb and a gravel cleaner.

Two of my angelfish are now infected with a fungus. I am treating the tank again, but I'm afraid I'm going to lose them all.

On Saturday night I worked at the scholarship dinner. I started getting ready to go at 2:30 and didn't leave the dinner till 11:30, which meant getting home at 12:30. I drove, of course. I would never take the train at that time of night. I wore an old outfit of satin pants and a Chinese jacket, and it was fine, though many women were in cocktail dresses. I got my dinner provided, though I didn't get the filet mignon and salmon that the paying guests got. Spaghetti, salad, and bread sticks were fine with me. I did manage to get some of the fancy hors d'oeuvres, and a piece of amazing chocolate cheesecake.

On Sunday my son came over and fixed a few things for me -- specifically a doorknob that had to be replaced and shades that had to be installed. He was as tired as I was, having spent the night at a sleepover at the Y. Evidently, only the kids slept! So I promised a pizza in payment, but on another day, when we weren't all so tired.

I found .12 over the the weekend and this morning.

I avoided Corner Bakery this morning and had toast and peanut butter at work. I packed a tuna patty, cherry tomatoes, popcorn and granola bars for lunch and snacks today. I'm on it!

2 Responses to “This Weekend”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm always impressed with your grocery list! Great job eating 'in' at work, too.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry about your fish.

    Your dinner sounded good; glad you had a nice time.

    Good grocery list.

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