Home > Morning Walk

Morning Walk

July 28th, 2015 at 01:43 pm

I just took my morning walk. The early morning temperature is not too bad, but it is humid. I'm glad I didn't bother to take my shower first!

I checked out all the parking meters and parking lots, but no coins today. I think you have to be an early bird, like I used to be! Smile

I only watched two episodes of Outlander yesterday, so I will watch two more today. I also watched Grapes of Wrath yesterday, another great classic movie.

I'm wishing I could go to the grocery, if only for coffee, but I'm determined to spend no more this month. I have tea for my morning fix.

I will do a load of laundry, however. And that should be the last one for this month.

I've fallen into the habit of taking afternoon naps. I seem to fall into a coma after lunch. Of course, I never had this option before, but I am surprised -- I've never considered myself a napper. I stay up later, but my sleep is not disturbed.

I'm thinking about my spending next month. I will have a dentist's visit, which I expect will take up a big chunk of my variables budget. I am also planning to go up to see my brother again, and to visit my BFF in Indiana (or convince her to come here -- which is harder to do!). I need to have my air/fuel sensor checked -- it is making my "check engine" light come on. It could be a loose connection, or it could be that I need a replacement. I guess I'll do that first, and see how everything else falls out. Other things on my list: senior center fee, new aquarium plants, a car booster seat for my grandson, new walking shoes. Ah, there's always something.

4 Responses to “Morning Walk”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    It's pretty humid here too. Maybe the lack of coffee is affecting your napping? It would with me!

  2. Deb Says:

    I love naps! 😴😴😴 Don't get one every day, but I enjoy each one I take!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    If I didn't have to work, I would be a napper! Smile

  4. Kiki Says:

    Check Craigslist and face book garage sales for the booster seat. Just make sure it was never involved in an accident. People here often put an In search of request on our FB garage sale type pages, that may help?

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