Home > August Recap

August Recap

September 1st, 2015 at 01:24 pm

Housing - 677
Vet/Pet Supplies - 595
Medical/Health - 264
Utilities - 152
Groceries - 91
Gifts/Charity - 84
Eating Out - 72
Vacation/Travel - 60
Phone - 50
Furnishings/Equipment/Décor - 40
Gas - 26
Entertainment - 26
Clothing/Accessories - 17
Household Supplies - 15
Laundry - 15
Fares/Parking - 9
Personal - 1
Grand Total - 2194

There it is in all its glory. The big vet bill, the dentist, both tipping me over the edge. Other categories are pretty much in line.

I emailed the flex benefits administrator who said my flex account was accessible for the year. I got an "out of office" message. We'll see if anything happens there. If I get a reimbursement, I'll come back and adjust the August record. Till then, I've spent 156% of my budget. Ugh.

But it's September, so today it starts over! Later today I'll grocery shop. It will probably be double the usual, since I am low on lots of things and will be making dinner tomorrow for the fam. Since it's hot, my plan is to make ham and cream cheese butter-fried sandwiches (on the griddle) with salad and sweet potato chips.

I already did my walk this morning, to take advantage of the cool temperatures. I walked to the library to return "Love is Strange." It was a recommended movie, but I found the story line a bit too wandering; too much left out. Like how did a major character die? Inquiring minds want to know!

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Blueberry pancakes
Lunch: Pizza bread (again)
Dinner: Omelet

I found 3 pennies yesterday, but nothing today.

3 Responses to “August Recap”

  1. snafu Says:

    You've done wonderfully considering two large unanticipated expenses like dentist who should be/may still be reimbursed under flex benefits and vet who would Emergency Funded in my reckoning.

    I daren't 'go to war' with my pharmacist who could have told DH that I was prescribed a new, not yet approved by medical insurance, prescription that ended up costing $ 300. I'm now switched to a similar item that costs much less but insurance is declining to pay as physician has not 'defined the need.' They presume I'm continuing with the new drug. Arrgh ! This is enough to give me yet another heart attack! My budget can't take these hits, my stomach can't take all the side effects of the plethora of drugs, my ankles are swelling, I'm feeling depressed and I've not yet been okayed to drive.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    You do so well keeping your groceries low. Some months I can keep it under $100, but not lately.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    It is rare for me to keep groceries under $100. Shopping at Aldi helps, plus being very mindful of using up leftovers.

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