Home > September Recap

September Recap

October 2nd, 2016 at 03:38 pm

It was a sobering month. Since I've retired, I've gone happily along, paying my bills and kind of patting myself on the back for managing so well. But all along I've had luck on my side. In September I did not have luck on my side.

I've already reported that total spending was $7840. Here is how it broke down, along with some commentary.

Car Repair: $4798. Transmission, brakes, computer, wiper, and an oil change. I think there were a few other things, but I'm not going to look it up.

Housing: $1355. I paid my mortgage twice, because I didn't want to forget and miss it while I was in Florida. The assessment fees happened to hit twice this month. It is always withdrawn some time around pay day, so it is likely to hit on either side.

Vacation/Travel: $549. This does not include all of the Florida trip, since some of its costs occurred after pay day. It does include the little trip I made to Indiana to visit BFF.

Medical/Health: $322. Includes a dentist visit (with x-rays), a podiatrist visit, a prescription and my medical premium. And my Planet Fitness fee.

Utilities: $154. Pretty typical, though electricity was a bit higher, reflecting the use of AC.

Gifts/Charity: $143. A birthday, various donations, pre-Christmas shopping, and postage for mailing books to my sister.

Groceries: $112. The one category where I did very well.

Fares/Parking: $79. $40 went on my CTA transit card, which should last me a long time. It also includes my train fare to go pick up my car, and various parking fees.

Business: $60. The cost of a professional networking workshop.

Phone: $52. Standard.

Gas: $44. This will go up when I start commuting again.

Vet/Pet Supplies: $38

Clothing: $34. Various items bought at Goodwill -- smaller sizes, clothing for the cruise coming up.

Eating Out: $33. All small events. Biggest expenditure was lunch with a friend at a Chinese restaurant.

Personal: $27. Haircut & feminine hygiene.

Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $18. Mostly decor and utensils for the house, all bought at Goodwill.

Laundry: $18

Entertainment: $4. Books from Goodwill.

I think October can be a very low-spend month, if I can avoid more bad luck. The mortgage is already paid, and so are the assessment fees. I did have to pay my condo insurance, but it is only $179.

I just bought some gas for $20.

I have a soccer game to go to, but otherwise it will be a day of rest and catch-up. I'm going to make a shepherd's pie from leftovers, since it's nice and cool and perfect for baking. I'm going to get my outfit ready for tomorrow and plan my packed lunch. I have a load of laundry to do.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

4 Responses to “September Recap”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Phew! Murphy had a good long visit with you. Hopefully a couple months of good luck and low spending will follow. Good thing the museum job came along to alleviate some of the financial pressure.

  2. PatientSaver Says:

    Well, you're right, your expenses were quite high, but most of them had to be done, like the car repairs and your medical costs. Double paying the mortgage will only help you and your vacation costs were really rather modest.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Yep, it was one of those months where the money flowed out. It is kind of scary when that happens, but hopefully no more car repairs which is a big chunk. And double paying the mortgage was smart and should make you feel more comfortable. Hopefully the rest of 2016 settles down since you had a speedy month.

    BTW, I would say the money for the new clothes should be a cause of celebration since they were for smaller sizes! Yahoo!

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    I expect that the car repair is a "once in a lifetime" kind of thing. & maybe it's lucky that a job materialized around the same time?

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