Home > Moving Money

Moving Money

September 1st, 2017 at 07:00 pm

Today I took $600 out of my Chase checking account and moved it to my BOA account. Two reasons. I wanted to have enough money in my account so that when the second assessment fee hits, it won't bounce. I also need to keep $300 in the savings account -- my slush fund -- in order to avoid fees. New policy. I don't like it -- it means my slush fund will have to be higher so I don't encroach on the $300. But it's not really a loss of funds.

My only real spending today was $1.50 for laundry. BFF let me do a lot of laundry at her house, but I did not take my towels, and it was time.

Oh, wait a minute. I also spent $46 on a birthday present for my Florida grandson. Picks from his Amazon list -- kinetic sand, Play-Doh, a school bus, and a thermos. I'm very proud that I got this done before the last minute!

I put all my stovetop burners in the dishwasher and I'm running it now. I've tried before, but never with the new dishwasher. I hope it will get some of the crud off, and if I still have to hand-scrub them, at least it will not be quite as much effort.

My car is still half-full of stuff from my trip. I'm taking things up a little at a time, because I don't want to stress my legs too much. I figure I have two more trips up the steps to go. But I'm done for today.

The rest of the day I'm devoting to reading. I'm way behind in the family Harry Potter book club!

6 Responses to “Moving Money”

  1. Jackie n Says:

    When we moved to this condo my stove top and pans were super cruddy. I picked up some generic oven cleaner and sprayed, put them in the sink and let them sit overnight. Came out like new! I do this every couple months now as maintenance .

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I'll try that next time! They came out of the dishwasher much improved, but not immaculate.

  3. crazyliblady Says:

    I don't currently have stovetop burner pans because I have a glass top stove (which I hate), but when I have a cruddy, baked or burnt on mess in a pan or on the stove, I use dish soap, baking soda, and white vinegar to get it clean. The ingredients are cheap and I always have them on hand. I let it soak for a little while and wipe it all clean.

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I'm planning on putting my burner pans in the dishwasher later today. Smile

  5. rob62521 Says:

    Yay on getting the birthday shopping done ahead of time!

    I have a glass cooktop too. I really like it until something spills over and it takes lots of scrubbing to get it off. At least we all like clean cook tops!

  6. deb Says:

    I really like my glass cooktop now that I discovered I can use a razor blade to scrape off any burned crud. Easy peasy.

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