Home > I shop, I shop, I shop

I shop, I shop, I shop

April 6th, 2007 at 05:22 pm

Well, it was back to my favorite place today -- Menard's. I'm being sarcastic, but actually I do have to say the people there are very nice. Anyway, I spent $24.48 on paint, vent cover, switchplates, tape and scrapers, plus a very cool tool for painting corners. I also spent $26.49 on a Scunci steam cleaner. Hope it will make the wallpaper stripping go faster. It does look like a neat little machine, but I haven't tried it out yet.

Then it was on to Wal-Mart, where I got a variety of supplies for $49.60. The most fun was two Golden books for my grandson's first Easter. One was Richard Scarry's First Bunny Book and the other was The Pokey Little Puppy, which I loved as a kid. Of course, they won't get to Kansas City by Easter. Sigh.

My third stop was Kroger, where I spent $53.49 on groceries, saving $18.28 on various deals. One thing I bought was a beef kabob -- on sale because it was ready to expire -- but I ate it for lunch; what a treat! Only $2.

I took my dog with me in the car, just so I could keep checking on him that he wasn't chewing his bandage. It stayed on last night. Hooray! If we can make it till Monday when it comes off, I will have accomplished something.

Yesterday I stripped off two more sheets of wallpaper, painted the first coat on the bathroom and painted the baseboards in the kitchen and living room. Today the day is already half gone just running errands, but I will get back at it as soon as I finish up here.

2 Responses to “I shop, I shop, I shop”

  1. nance Says:

    Let us know how the steam cleaner worked on the wallpaper. I have a whole room of wallpaper to remove, so I can paint. I am dreading it!
    Glad to hear the dog is doing well.

  2. carol Says:

    Hooray to hear that dog's bandage is staying on. Best wishes on the painting and other house work.

    Check your Naughty Dog post to get update on injured kitty. He's also eating juicy fresh baked chicken peices(he gobbled down 1/2 dozen)

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