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Archive for April, 2013
April 30th, 2013 at 03:11 pm
I’ve said it before, but what a month!
Total spending this month was $5368, roughly double what I bring home. Even a bit more.
I didn’t go into debt, but my savings have gone down by $3,000 since January. I guess that’s what it’s there for, but I hate it. I really want to start building it up again!
Here is the breakdown:
Incomes Taxes - $2587
Furniture/Equipment/Décor - $1148 (mostly for new computer)
Housing - $1039 (includes more than double payment on mortgage)
Entertainment - $190 (includes Ancestry.com subscription)
Fares - $110
Groceries - $99
Utilities - $97
Eating Out - $77
Medical/Health - $77
Gifts/Charity - $49
Vet/Pet Supplies - $38
Laundry - $23
Household Supplies - $17
Categories with ZERO this month – Insurance, Fees & Services, Phone, Home Repair & Maintenance, Gas, Clothing, Car Repair & Maintenance, Vacation & Travel. So there has been quite a bit of scrimping in order to pay for the big items.
In other news, I found a dime yesterday!
I also saved myself $50. I was asked to take my latest lab results to my new doctor (appointment this Saturday). My old doctor’s office sent me forms to request them – with a $50 fee. I went through my papers last night and found the lab results that were mailed to me last year. Once I see the new doctor, his office can request my other records and I won’t have to pay the fee.
Going through my papers made me realize just how bad a mess they are in. Moving didn’t help. But now I have the “new” four-drawer file cabinet (hand-me-down from my son) so I CAN get a handle on them; I just need to do it. But first I will have to invest in legal-size file folders. I didn’t realize the new cabinet was legal size. That’s good in a way – it will offer more room for those longer documents.
So I will have to commit to going through papers every day once I get the file folders. And I will have to return the letter size manila folders I just bought. I really hate filing, but having a roomy cabinet to put things in will really make a difference, I hope!
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April 29th, 2013 at 05:02 pm
Spending this weekend:
$6 - Laundry
$20 - Groceries
$65 - Flowers
$5 - Lunch
I went to Aldi for my ten items, and I bought dried cranberries, croutons, flatbread buns, applesauce, bread, cheddar cheese, bagged salad, wine, creamer, and yogurt. As you see above, only $20.
Then I went to Home Depot and spent $65 on flowers -- that was six pots of Martha Washington geraniums to put in my flowerboxes on the landing. Kind of a splurge -- but they look beautiful, and it is my only gardening. I watered them with the water I took out of the fish tank for the weekly cleaning -- a tip I picked up from Dollar Stretcher.
I hope there will be enough sun. There were no impatiens this year, so I had to choose a sun-loving plant.
After shopping I was hungry so I splurged again on lunch at Steak N Shake -- but I was pretty frugal in what I chose. Normally I would get a Frisco melt and a shake, but this time I got a double steakburger and ice tea. Probably about half the cost.
I also earned another $5 on Swagbucks.
Can any fish experts out there tell me if there is such a thing as too many snails? I started with ONE and I now have too many babies to count. How did that happen? Really, they are all over the tank.
Oh, I wanted to add -- I baked some crescent rolls with a filling of ranchero sauce and cheese -- they will be my breakfast treats this week. I bought the ingredients for muffins but didn't get around to making them. Maybe next weekend.
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April 26th, 2013 at 02:38 pm
Once again I avoided Corner Bakery. I waited until I got to work to eat and had oatmeal. That didn't seem to do it, so I also ate the granola bars I had packed for lunch.
I wonder if all the walking I do actually makes me hungrier.
I love it that it's Friday! I dressed down, wearing a jeans jacket over a T-shirt and pegged pants. It makes me feel so much better. I don't ever push the dress code except on Fridays.
Not that I really dress up a lot on the other days. All winter long I mostly wear sweaters and pants and in the summer I wear short-sleeved tops and pants. A suitjacket is a once-in-a-while thing. I stopped wearing dresses and skirts after I broke my ankle -- my ankle is now a bit bigger than it used to be and scarred from the surgery -- I figured it was a good excuse to wear pants!
Our dress code is fairly relaxed but there are some fashionista's on the staff who tend to raise the bar.
This morning I finished reading my book while on the train, so I picked up a paper that someone else had left. I started the Sudoku puzzle and realized that it is a good thing to do on the train -- my mind was engaged and the time went fast. I didn't finish it, but I probably would have if I had started it at the beginning of the trip. Now I just need to look for a cheap puzzle book -- or keep looking for discarded papers!
I had a good meeting with my boss yesterday and was complimented for working ahead on projects. This is not my "mean girl" boss, who is actually one level higher. I have to meet with her next week. It's always so discouraging to talk with her, but I am not alone -- many others feel the same way. The trouble is, everyone else leaves, but she stays! She is sitting pretty and she knows it.
That said, I am feeling more secure in my job than I was a week ago. I have thought it out, and I am pretty sure that even if mean girl is unhappy with me, it would be too much trouble to replace me. I just have to find ways to keep feeling upbeat when I get the occasional snide remark, etc.
I do so look forward to retirement, though. Only two years, three months, and sixteen days!
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April 25th, 2013 at 03:06 pm
Yesterday I took a coupon for a free drink or candy (up to $2 in value) to the CVS in the station between trains. There was a long, long line of people with the same idea, all holding one bottle, or one bag of candy. Pretty funny to see. Luckily, the line moved fast. I "bought" a diet coke, and made my train just fine. The cashier seemed greatly annoyed, but hey, it's her job to carry out the store's policies and promotions.
I bypassed Corner Bakery today. There were treats at work (I thought there might be -- left over from yesterday's Admin Asst Appreciation Day.) So I had a free breakfast.
I also had an insight as to why CB is such a temptation. The second train is much, much less crowded than the first, and I have this kind of "celebration" feeling when I make the switch. Bringing a fresh breakfast on board just kind of expands the celebration. And of course, by that time I've been awake for almost two hours and I'm hungry.
But as others have pointed out, I can always bring my own. I do pack my lunch every day, after all. It's just a matter of getting into the routine.
I think I may do the challenge of eating on $1.50 a day -- but I will do it my way -- I will use the food I already have on hand but figure up the daily cost. I don't want to buy new packages of stuff I already have.
Should be interesting!
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April 24th, 2013 at 03:13 pm
Lost my entry -- forgot to copy it.
Here is the brief version --
I walked around in the rain for about an hour yesterday in downtown Chicago. Finally got my bearings but was late for my appointment. Thank goodness it was warmer than it is today!
I gave away $5.50 to street people and found .27 on the sidewalk.
I put $5 on my CTA pass and bought lunch for $3. Once home, I bought six filter cartridges for the aquarium for $17, which saved me about $5.
Breakfast at the downtown station this morning - $4. I WILL address the muffin problem this weekend.
It is COLD today, and I'm tired of it!
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April 24th, 2013 at 03:08 pm
I spent yesterday afternoon in the city, much of it walking around in the rain. Why is it nothing in real life looks like it does on Google maps? I thought it was so clear and easy, but I got lost anyway. Finally made it to my appointment but about an hour late.
I did find .27 on the sidewalk.
On the other hand, I gave $5.50 to panhandlers. One was collecting to save the Hull House, the other needed change for the CTA ticket machine, so they weren't specifically panhandlers, but "unknown people on the street who need money." They were very grateful, which made it nice.
I put $5 on my CTA pass, and bought lunch for $3. After I got home I went to PetSmart and bought six filter cartridges for the aquarium, $17. Those should hold me until at least October.
This morning I got breakfast at Corner Bakery for $4. It's not so much the muffin as it is the experience. When I hit the downtown station, I've already had a walk, I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm usually dreading the day ahead -- it's so nice to have that warm, crumbly muffin and fresh coffee on the second train. So I don't want to cut it out of my life, just save it for the days I really need it! I for sure don't want to tote my own coffee, as I already have too much to carry, but I could manage a muffin in my bag once I get into the routine of making them.
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April 23rd, 2013 at 02:15 pm
I used my last stamp yesterday so I had it in my head to buy a new book. When I was at the downtown station, I asked if there were a place to buy stamps, thinking it would be a good use of my down time between trains. I was expecting a surcharge, but they actually charged me $13 for 20 stamps! I didn't realize until my credit card had already run. Lesson learned. Buy stamps at post office!
I really don't use them much any more, except for letters that I write to my son in Florida. I think real mail is a little more special than email.
Today I am going downtown at noon to scout out a venue for an event (for my professional organization). I'm in charge of the planning for this one, which makes me a little nervous, so I want to see this place in person. After I get to the train station I will still have a 35-minute walk -- or I can figure out how to take the El. If it doesn't pour, I will walk. I have my umbrella.
Last night I noticed that even though I had done my weekly tank cleaning the day before, there was a lot of crud floating around in the water. It occurred to me to check the filter. Gross! I cleaned it best I could, but tonight's errand is to buy a new filter. I hope it will be simple to find at PetSmart. These fish are pushing my learning curve!
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April 22nd, 2013 at 03:05 pm
My actual purchases were not too different from my list. I bought Club crackers (my favorite), a big combo box of Nature Valley granola bars (on sale), a can of pizza sauce, Cascadian fruit & nut granola (on sale), blackberries (on sale), ice cream, a bath pouf, cat litter ($1 off coupon), dry cat food (on sale), and a package of file folders. $40 in all. They say I saved $6 on this trip.
What I left off was the wine and the pop. When I saw the blackberries I couldn't resist, so they were an add-on.
Other spending -- I got a $5 prescription and spent $3 this morning on a muffin and coffee. I do tend to treat myself on mornings when I've had little sleep and getting up is rough.
Later today I will buy next month's train ticket.
I had a nice afternoon with the grandsons in the park, and then at their house playing Yahtzee. One is really too young for the game, but loves throwing the dice. The other got two Yahtzees! I think he's a natural!
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April 21st, 2013 at 01:58 pm
For some reason the Swagbucks games are not working this morning. I can't tell you how many times I've gone back to the site and tried to start Mahjong Dimensions. I'm hooked. I read in the comments that some people have beaten the third level and I want to, too!
I've had trouble with the Worldwinner games, too -- I often get an error code in mid-play and the game abruptly ends. I used to think my computer had something to do with it, but now that the same thing is happening with my new computer, I know it must be on their end.
It's probably a sign that I shouldn't waste so much time on games!
I'm planning my big outing of the day -- grocery shopping! I remain committed to picking out ten items only. I have a full pantry and freezer, so it really makes sense to shop sparingly -- also makes it much easier to carry the load upstairs.
This is what I have on my list so far: cat litter, cat food, manila folders, crackers, bath pouf, pizza sauce, pop, ice cream, granola, granola bars, wine. That's 11 items, so I'll have to make some choices. The only item that's going into a planned meal is the pizza sauce. I'm going to use that with some leftover garlic bread and mozzarella cheese to make mini pizzas.
I'm going to make some tuna salad today. That, the mini pizzas, hamburgers, and grilled cheese sandwiches will be my dinners this week. I also have spaghetti sauce in the freezer, but I suspect I will not have to get into that. There are a lot of lunches in the freezer -- not frozen dinners, but leftovers from dinners I have made. So I don't have to worry about buying lunches.
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April 21st, 2013 at 01:18 am
I did my laundry this morning -- $6. I had four loads because my red load was ready to run. Other than that I didn't leave the house. My son stopped by to drop off my car keys and offered to take me to the library with the boys, but I hadn't showered yet. It's just been that kind of day -- couldn't get going.
I did empty and fill the dishwasher, and I made a fancy cheese mixture for gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. I had one for lunch, and I realized I'd really rather just have the plain cheese. But I'll use up what I have made. I'll bet it will be good on hamburgers.
I'll do my grocery shopping tomorrow -- this time at Target, because I need to pick up some manila folders. It's way past time to get my files organized.
I watched a couple of episodes of Mad Men and tonight I'm watching "The Raven" with John Cusack, who happens to be a local! Can't say I've ever seen him around, though.
I also swept all the floors and collected the garbage, though I haven't actually carted it to the dumpster yet.
I'm getting used to my new computer. I like the keyboard, and I like to use the touchscreen to power down. I've learned how to go to my desktop and just ignore the apps page that comes up automatically. I'm thinking of carrying it on the train so I can write a little while I travel, but it is not particularly light. My train bag is already heavy.
Well, time to feed the fish. They are eying me hungrily!
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April 19th, 2013 at 03:13 pm
Well, after yesterday's torrential rains, everything seems relatively dry today, though the sky is gray. And it's cold. There were actually flurries in the air when I got off the train this morning. Will spring EVER come?
Yesterday's "productive" day did not materialize. It felt so good to get warm and dry that I just got lazy. I watched a few episodes of Mad Men and played a lot of Mahjong Dimensions. (Enough to know that I will NEVER beat the game!)
Nice to know I just have to get through today and then I have a real weekend ahead.
I am loaning my car out today. My son and DIL took their car to the shop, and asked if they could have the use of my car today while theirs is being repaired. I said "Sure!" My car mostly sits during the week. I should get extra keys made so they could use it in case of emergency at other times. And they could move the car for me if I forget about the street sweeping!
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April 18th, 2013 at 04:14 pm
I'm finding a lot of money lately. Yesterday, a nickel in the middle of the road while I was crossing. Just about in the same spot where I fell last week, so was the road giving me compensation? 
I am at home today because the suburb where I work is experiencing flooding. I didn't know before I got on the train, so I walked through heavy rain, got pretty soaked despite my umbrella, and then got on the train to Chicago, which was stalled outside the city for at least a half hour. Turns out the station had lost power and they had to do manual switches. While I was on the train, my boss called and told me about the flooding and that I should not come to work. I said fine, I'll hop on a train home. Not so easy. After I finally got to the station, the schedule was so backed up that the train home was a least an hour behind. I didn't get home until after nine. Just for reference, I leave home at six, so that was three hours of commuting and going nowhere! I was lucky enough to have some bread and bacon in my bag -- it was going to be for my breakfast at work -- so I had something to eat. I did buy a coffee at the station ($2).
The worst part was that I was cold and wet the whole time. So nice to be home!
I will try to get some things done at home and make it a productive day. I've tried to find out how bad the flooding is at the college, but all I see is a notice on the website that it is closed and classes and all activities are cancelled today.
I'll also spend some time on Swagbuck to earn my next $5!
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April 17th, 2013 at 02:35 pm
Yesterday I visited CVS between trains, and, while I didn't buy anything, I did find a dollar on the floor. I asked the two men who were standing nearby if it was theirs, and they said no. One said, "You win! Just don't buy a lottery ticket!" So I happily pocketed it.
Yesterday's strategic planning retreat was very good, but I got wind that my (mean girl) boss is unhappy with me -- it is impossible to do anything right for her, so I don't feel guilty, but I feel stressed. I feel my job is a bit in jeopardy. I think she imagines that if she replaced me with someone younger and more compliant, all the problems would go away. Unfortunately, the real problem is her direction. We'll see what the next few weeks hold. I have a meeting coming up with her that will not be pretty. It makes me so sad that I am finishing up my last few years of work so unappreciated, and it is so unfair!
The irony is that I've been asked to take part in a panel presentation for a professional workshop in another state on the very subject I'm under fire for. (I really do know what I'm doing!)
I suppose that if I do lose my job over this, I will have to draw social security early. I just can't imagine that I could find a new job at this age. But perhaps part time work would be a possibility. Just hope it doesn't happen.
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April 16th, 2013 at 09:24 pm
Went out to dinner with my son's family last night. I probably should have declined the invitation, as I was very tired, not hungry, and not feeling like spending money. However, I wanted to see the grandsons. Ironically, they were tired themselves and not feeling social, so it was all pretty much a bust. I spent $12 but came home with enough leftovers for two lunches.
I paid my mortgage plus extra this morning. The computer cost hit at a good time; I'll have a whole month before the bill is due, so plenty of time to conserve my spending. I will be able to to pay it in full from checking next month, but if the rug payment hits on this cycle, too, then I will have to raid savings.
Yesterday I brought in enough leftovers for lunch to serve for two days. Today I forgot there was already lunch at work, and I brought in yet another lunch. Forgetting that I got a free lunch today because we had a planning retreat. So now I have two extra lunches at work! Plus the extra food at home from last night's dinner. Oy! Too much food, too little time. I'll have to freeze some.
I found a nickel in the parking lot last night!
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April 15th, 2013 at 06:30 pm
I actually had my federal done, and was just planning to finish up the state form, when my computer presented me with the black screen of death!
I completed the state tax by hand, and I do have the two checks sitting here on my desk waiting to be mailed.
But the laptop was a goner. I've had it for three years and it's given me nothing but trouble. I had the motherboard replaced once. I wasn't going to do it again. So I went to Best Buy ready to shell out the cash for a new one, and boy, did I!
About $1080 later I have a new Sony laptop (will never buy HP again!) The base price was $799, but after adding on the Microsoft Office, the tech support, saving my files from the dead machine, and so forth, it crossed the $1000 mark.
As I told a co-worker, it's not even any fun to spend money this way. It's not exciting to get a new computer -- in fact, it's a little annoying, because now I have to learn Windows 8. Anyway, I hope this one lasts a while.
The stars are not aligned for me, because I also learned today that I had a past-due bill on my Citi card -- which I never use. I got it just for the rewards and I should have canceled it. Apparently, I charged my Ancestry.com subscription on it last year when I was trying to boost my spending to the required minimum -- and they charged it again this year for the renewal. I got the renewal notice email from them, but didn't pay attention to what card was being charged -- I just assumed it was my Discover card, the one I use most often. Well, somehow I ALSO missed the notification from Citi that I had a bill -- so my subscription has cost me $20+ more than it should have. ($177) I'm so bummed.
My other spending hardly amounts to anything in comparison -- $42 for groceries, $3 for birthday cards, $3 for breakfast this morning, $4.50 for laundry.
I will say I am happy that I have savings to cover this.
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April 12th, 2013 at 03:58 pm
When I transfer trains at the downtown station, I have a fairly long wait on the trip home. Lately I've been getting bored just sitting on the train, waiting for it to go, so I've started exploring the station a bit more. I found that I can take a pedestrian walkway to a CVS -- what a great find! I have never really been able to take advantage of CVS deals because there has never been one very close to me.
Yesterday I bought a tube of lip balm ($4) and the machine spit out a $1.50 rewards coupon as well as four more coupons for cosmetic and personal items and greeting cards. Some of them are $2 off a $5 purchase, which is pretty good. I will definitely be checking out the CVS between trains from now on.
I took a tumble right in the street last night while walking home. I don't know if I hit a slick spot, or what, I was down so fast. I fell on my knees, and while they are scraped and hurt like crazy, I seem to be undamaged otherwise. The worst part is that it was a busy street -- I really had to get back on my feet fast or I could have been in a dangerous situation! But all is well.
I'm looking forward to finishing up my taxes this weekend so I can just write the check and get this expense done with! It's going to feel like a fresh start. I'm really glad that I'll just be able to write a check and won't have to take anything from savings.
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April 11th, 2013 at 02:20 pm
I found another penny by a parking meter. They do add up!
Also, had another no-spend day yesterday. I would have bought a prescription if it had been ready, but it was not. My doctor did not return the call from the pharmacy. Another reason to switch doctors.
I am in a new routine with Swagbucks. I log on, do the poll, start SBTV and then open a new window to play Mahjong Dimensions. When I finished a game, I switch back to SBTV and start a new video. When I earn my 3 Swagbucks from SBTV (and whatever I've earned playing the game) I do some searching on topics of interest until I get another bunch of Swagbucks. I usually earn about 20-30 Swagbucks a day doing this and it's mostly fun. As I've said before, I don't care to do the surveys, and I rarely find a coupon I want to use. But doing these things is adding up.
When I moved into my condo, the unit below was empty. Since then, a couple has moved in. The man has a very loud, carrying voice that somehow travels up into my unit through a vent or something. And when he talks, he talks nonstop. It drives me crazy. So far, it has always been at a reasonable hour, but still! I turned on my noisy humidifier to try to mitigate the noise.
I have to admit that when my grandchildren are visiting, they probably sound like a herd of elephants to them!
Yesterday was a day filled with food. It was Student Worker Appreciation Day AND there was a retirement reception right down the hall. I will only say I ate a lot of stuff I shouldn't have. I did try to compensate with a healthy salad when I got home.
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April 10th, 2013 at 03:16 pm
Wow. I just missed being caught in a thunderstorm. When I left the house, it looked clear, so I didn't even take my umbrella. By the time I got to the second station, it was looking threatening, and after I got to my office it was a cataclysm! So glad it didn't happen a few minutes earlier!
I am thinking that on nice days I might add to my walk by getting off a station one stop further up the line. It would add 15 minutes to my walk. The advantage, besides more exercise, is that I could catch a (somewhat) earlier train, so I wouldn't lose any more time. But, as I said, only on nice days.
I ordered my prescription refill on the phone this morning and the automated system said that they would have to get in touch with my doctor. I don't know why, since I have six refills. Maybe it's just been too long since I've seen her. I'm thinking of finding a new doctor in my new neighborhood. Even though she is in the town where I work, I can't get there easily without a car. It would make more sense to have a doctor close to home, and just make my appointments early in the morning. I did a little research yesterday and I think I have a candidate -- a very highly-rated GP who also specializes in geriatrics. I don't feel old yet, but let's face it, that's the only direction I'm heading!
I voted last night, mainly to vote for school board candidates. My ex is a superintendent, and the school board is his boss, so to speak. He had strong views about who should be elected. I welcomed his input, since I really don't know the backgrounds and histories of the candidates. I have yet to check on who won, however. Anyway, how is this financial? The school board can fire my ex, and his well-being is still tangentially linked to mine through our kids. I also want him to remain fully employed as my social security -- for the first four years until I am 70 -- will be based on his salary.
Nothing else financial, except that I found a penny this morning and claimed $5 in Swagbucks last night.
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April 9th, 2013 at 02:05 pm
Of course, I was barely on it, anyway. I'm talking about the healthy eating wagon. My adventures in eating out this weekend pretty much took care of that challenge.
I'm trying to regroup, however. This morning I packed a breakfast of two mini-bagels, which I ate with no butter or cream cheese, 2 slices of bacon, and an orange. Lunch will be half a chicken breast with sweet/sour rice. Dinner will be salad.
Yesterday was a no-spend day, since I don't count the $7.99 Netflix payment that came out of my account.
I called the rug place again yesterday. The manufacturer has now listed the production date as 4/19, so I will get the rug after they deliver to the rug store and after the piece is cut and bound. The other rug is already there. So it looks like it will be the end of April at the earliest.
It sure seems like special orders take a lot longer than they used to.
It's been a couple of rainy, drizzly days, but last evening as I walked home I walked past a patch of crocuses, daffodils, bluebells and other flowers I didn't recognize. I can hardly wait to see the tulips. My favorite flower -- and then I know it's spring!
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April 8th, 2013 at 06:01 pm
I had a long weekend, though it wasn't work-free. I spent Friday at a workshop, which I helped to coordinate, downtown. The experience made me aware that I probably need to get an i-phone -- some of the attendees and others were emailing me in the morning and I was oblivious. Showing my age, I guess. Anyway, I talked to my son and we are going to look into setting me up with a reasonably inexpensive option.
It was a weekend of eating out. On Friday morning I had breakfast at Panera while I waited to get in the building where our workshop was taking place. ($6) Lunch was provided, but after the event I met a couple of friends who work downtown and we had dinner at a place called Bandera's -- that was $28. Then on Saturday night I went out with my son's family to a place called Cheesie's which serves gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. $12.
Oh well. Grocery shopping was cheap this week. Only $25 and that included cat food. I also spent $6 on laundry. And speaking of laundry, the basement floor was recently painted. OMG! It looks so much better, and now I won't mind if my clothes fall on the floor!
I got a lot of stuff done around the house -- mopped all the floors, weekly maintenance on the fish tank, made a new batch of dishwasher detergent, to name a few. I also spent enough time on Swagbucks that I am almost ready to earn a new $5 Amazon card!
One thing I didn't do was my state taxes -- oh well, I have seven days to do that.
I got an email from my son this morning to MOVE MY CAR TONIGHT! Maybe between him and me I can really remember this time.
I had a rather upsetting morning at work, and one of my co-workers insisted that I take some cheese and crackers she had brought in. I think they have learned that food calms me!
Posted in
April 4th, 2013 at 04:21 pm
Had a very long train ride this morning -- switching problems and freight-train interference added more than a half-hour to my trip. Oh well, at least the boss was late, too, for the same reason!
I found a newsletter that detailed the street-sweeping schedule. The reason I didn't get a ticket is that my street will be swept on the 9th. So even though the sign says no parking on Tuesdays, it matters which Tuesday it is. I'm going to put the schedule on my refrigerator door.
I am going into the city tomorrow for a workshop which I am helping to plan. It's been a lot of last-minute work, especially now as the attendance list keeps changing. But I'm looking forward to the sessions and to seeing other people in my field. And I get a free lunch! After the workshop, I'm going to meet some friends who work downtown for supper. That won't be free, but it will be fun.
My food challenge isn't going so great, but I will report yesterday's intake:
Breakfast - oatmeal w/brown sugar
Snack - cake (yes, I did succumb!!)
Lunch - one chicken fajita, one orange
Snack - 6 Townhouse crackers
Dinner - 1/2 cup chicken & noodles, 1/2 cup peas, 2 Grands biscuits w/butter, 6 oz. wine
I am not really dieting -- I guess I am just trying to be a little more accountable and not QUITE so piggy as I have been! Writing it down will help.
Posted in
April 3rd, 2013 at 02:00 pm
There is a cake in the break room. I had a piece yesterday for breakfast. But today, since I am in on the April healthy eating challenge, I had to ignore it. And it's down to the last yummy end piece that is covered with frosting.
Instead I had a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar -150 calories.
On the financial front, I tucked $20 into a letter to my son in Florida. He is living off of savings while he finishes helicopter training, so I am trying to give him a little treat once in a while.
Yesterday, as I was sitting in the train station on the homeward bound trip, I remembered something that threw me into a deep depression. I remembered it was Tuesday (street sweeping day) and I hadn't moved the car. All the way home I beat myself up -- this is my second slip-up, and an expensive one. How will I make up the difference? I vowed to go into an austerity plan until I "earned" $150 in my budget. Well, I got home and went immediately to the car. No ticket. Unless they mail it to me, I got off scot-free. But I don't think they will - they left in on the car when I got caught during the snow season. I think they just didn't get to my street.
Boy, did that improve my mood!
Now I just have to think of something that will make me remember to move the car on Monday nights.
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April 2nd, 2013 at 03:04 pm
I had two pieces of good financial news yesterday. I got a raise from my retirement fund #1 (I already retired from that job and I am getting a monthly payout). I'll get $18 more a month. That's certainly better than my raise at work was.
The other piece of good news is that I'm going to get a credit on my insurance, due to a processing error. I don't know how much yet. It will show up on the semi-annual statement.
I didn't spend anything yesterday.
I caught up on some work that was hanging over my head. I still have a lot to do -- I'll be glad to see the end of this week, but I'm making good progress.
Temps are still cold, but at least it's sunny and bright.
Yesterday I wore a pair of shoes that I bought while my ankle was healing. They served me well at the time, but it was clear yesterday that they will not be good walking shoes -- they hurt my heel. So they are going to have to go, now that I am so mobile, and I'm going to have to get a comfortable pair of black shoes that are neither boots nor sandals. Guess that's an errand to run this weekend.
This weekend I will also have to do my state taxes. I put it off, because according to Turbo Tax I will only owe $1 -- but I wasn't willing to pay $35 to Turbo Tax to do the work. So I'll get that done this weekend, and then on the 15th, I'll also send my federal payment in. The 15th is also my pay day, and the tax payment will take my whole paycheck. Nice to know I have backup!
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April 1st, 2013 at 05:11 pm
Easter was a pleasant, if chilly, day of family fun. I went to my traditional Mexican lunch with my son's family and my nephew ($20) and afterwards spent some time in the park with the boys. I had given them Easter baskets that contained some parachute toys -- well, the wind was so high that three of them immediately got snagged in the branches. Luckily there are five more for a more temperate day!
March recap -- it was a pretty low-spend month, despite a few highs.
Housing - $1039
Eating Out - $137
Fees/Services - $115 (mostly a towing ticket)
Fares - $108
Groceries - $100
Utilities - $94
Gifts/Charity - $57
Phone - $55
Vet/Pet Supplies - $45
Laundry - $25
Gas - $20
Furnishings/Equipment - $19
Personal - $16
Household Supplies - $14
Entertainment - $13
Medical/Health - $3
Grand Total - $1866
Eating out and laundry were higher due to having company. If not for that -- and the towing ticket -- it would have been a REALLY low-spend month!
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