Home > Not so great dinner outing

Not so great dinner outing

April 16th, 2013 at 09:24 pm

Went out to dinner with my son's family last night. I probably should have declined the invitation, as I was very tired, not hungry, and not feeling like spending money. However, I wanted to see the grandsons. Ironically, they were tired themselves and not feeling social, so it was all pretty much a bust. I spent $12 but came home with enough leftovers for two lunches.

I paid my mortgage plus extra this morning. The computer cost hit at a good time; I'll have a whole month before the bill is due, so plenty of time to conserve my spending. I will be able to to pay it in full from checking next month, but if the rug payment hits on this cycle, too, then I will have to raid savings.

Yesterday I brought in enough leftovers for lunch to serve for two days. Today I forgot there was already lunch at work, and I brought in yet another lunch. Forgetting that I got a free lunch today because we had a planning retreat. So now I have two extra lunches at work! Plus the extra food at home from last night's dinner. Oy! Too much food, too little time. I'll have to freeze some.

I found a nickel in the parking lot last night!

6 Responses to “Not so great dinner outing”

  1. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    That is a good lesson (that I also need practice): do what you think is best (not going out due to tiredness/inadequate time/money) instead of doing what you think others expect of you (your family/coworkers/friends). This time your reason was for seeing the grandkids, not really what the family expected. But pretty close! and it didn't work out anyway!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Oh, well, at least you saw the grandbabies.

    Better to have too much food and freeze some instead of now having enough.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    I just hate to ever say no because I want them to keep inviting me! But sometimes I just have to listen to my instincts.

  4. snafu Says:

    CB if there are announced employer paid bkfst/lunch/dinner/retreats/in-service, it might be best to note those events on your computer's or fridge calendar to help identify dates you needn't bring meals. you're doing so well with so much on your plate to manage and so much stress

  5. CB in the City Says:

    Printing out a work calendar to put on my fridge is a good idea!

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I keep meaning to make a copy of the school lunch calendar so I know which days there'll be enough for me to actually eat, and when I need to bring something extra. It sure would help me to not have days where I'm starving an hour after lunch due to having had a meal of a bun and pudding ... (like today.)

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