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Archive for February, 2010

Got the pin out

February 26th, 2010 at 06:42 pm

Well, they took the pin out of my leg on Wednesday -- actually it was a 3-inch screw. They asked me if I wanted to keep it and I laughed. Though it did look usable. Smile

I am walking better, though walking is still painful. Still, I'm glad that now my bones can move naturally now that they are not screwed together.

I did not eat out on the day of the surgery. I had breakfast at my son's house, and skipped lunch. Got home about 2pm and had linner. Watched a Netflix movie and went to bed early. Back to work the next day. It's been fine, but I'm glad the weekend is almost here.

On Tuesday night I went out with my sons, DIL, DIL-to-be, and grandsons to celebrate DS1's birthday. Went to a very nice Italian place and got a 50% discount because it is in the same franchise my sons works at. I think, with tip and all, it was about $85 for all of us, a very good price considering that we took home a ton of leftovers. I had roast chicken and I plan to make soup from it this weekend.

Other than that, I spent $6.35 for a prescription, and $5 for cupcakes for the birthday party.

Looking forward to a lot of R&R this weekend. Hope everyone else has a great one, too!

Eating Out Again

February 23rd, 2010 at 08:23 pm

The eating in challenge is taking a hit. I had a glass on wine at a pub last Friday, lunch at Steak N Shake on Sunday, and today I had lunch at McDonald's and will have dinner at an Italian restaurant tonight.

I already explained the glass of wine -- it was part of a going-away party I felt obligated to attend. My Sunday lunch was an opportunity to get together with my son, DIL and grandsons, and I wasn't about to turn in down. Today I am meeting my other son to celebrate his birthday (more than two weeks late!) When I got to work this morning I realized I had left his gift at home, and I was planning to leave straight from work to go up to his house (about 40 minutes away in good traffic). So I went home at lunch to get it, and to make things easier, I just drove through at McDonald's. But that was good, because I got a Happy Meal so I could give the Madagascar penguin to my grandson tonight. Also, just a while ago, some sorority girls dropped by my office selling baked goods. I bought some fancy cupcakes to take with me tonight. So I've been quite the spender on food away from home. But, I still have 20 points for the challenge.

Tomorrow I get the pin taken out of my ankle. I dread the procedure, but I am hoping I will feel better after it's done. Today my ankle is swollen and painful. Part of that is having to walk too much. Even with a "gimp sticker" -- as my cousin calls it -- I had to park several buildings away.

I imagine tomorrow will be another day when I will end up eating out, since I won't be near home.

The doctor's report and the challenge

February 19th, 2010 at 06:57 pm

Re: my trip to the doctor -- He told me that when I broke my ankle and dislocated my foot, I probably wrenched the nerve (it has a name and he named it, but I can't) and that is why I am experiencing numbness. He says it will most likely go away, though it will be a slow process. So I'm relieved, and hopeful that I will be normal again someday!

The co-pay was $15. I did not eat lunch out, as I thought I might. I was in a hurry to return to work, so that I would only have to count a half day of sick time. I had a Lean Cuisine in the break room fridge, so .... 18 points!!!

However, tonight I am going out with co-workers for a good-bye party for a colleague, so I will not be able to count today in the challenge. This morning I stopped to buy a good-bye card for her, and while I was there I picked up Easter cards for my grandsons. $7.85. I felt bad because I sent a homemade valentine for the two of them -- late -- pretty lame. So I want to make sure they get nice Easter cards. The older one loves to get mail.

Work has been crazy, and I'm glad to be facing a weekend. Sometimes I wonder if I can do this for six more years, but, financially, I have no choice.

Another x-ray

February 17th, 2010 at 01:45 pm

No financial news, but tomorrow will probably be spendy -- and I'll probably break my streak on the eating-in challenge. I have to go to one of the northern suburbs to get another x-ray on my ankle. When I went to physical therapy the therapist was clearly surprised that I was still experiencing numbness on the top of my foot and in my ankle. I called the doctor, and they told me to come up for an x-ray. I'm beginning to think nerve damage and I'm a little worried. Well, we'll see.

Anyway, since the appointment is at 11:15, and it's at least an hour to get there, I will probably end up eating out for lunch. But, counting today, my eating-in score is 17!


February 15th, 2010 at 06:18 pm

Just got my federal refund and paid off my debt to Bank of America. I am now debt-free again!

The refund came earlier than expected -- and bigger than I remembered. I thought it would be in the neighborhood of $1200 -- it was $2012. Duh. A nice surprise.

I'm so excited! Finally I can start really saving!

In other news, I got out once this weekend and made the most of it. A grocery store trip: ($42 for food, $1 for conditioner, $22 for gift candy), a car wash ($5), and a drive through Dunkin' Donuts for a gift card ($20). The gift candy I brought to work, sort of a thank you for everyone who's been so helpful to me, and the gift card is for a co-worker who is leaving, and who has been particularly helpful while I have struggled with my broken ankle.

This time when I got home from my outing I did not collapse on the couch and sleep through the day. I even had the strength and energy to vacuum!

I had my first physical therapy session on Friday. It was not comfortable, but I can see it will be helpful. I really need to increase my range of motion, and the exercises I was given seem to be helping already. Just have to get through the PAIN part of it!

Antiques aren't moving

February 11th, 2010 at 06:54 pm

Last night I got my balance sheet from the antique store (where I am a dealer). I owe $92, so only $33 in merchandise sold. That's one of the worst months yet. I know that part of the problem is that North Carolina has been hit with unusually bad weather; I know the store has even been closed at times. I also know it will get better in spring.

I still have faith in our booth. It is a wonderful store in a very picturesque area, and the owners do everything they can to promote it. My sister and I are getting better and better at stocking it with garage sale finds. The problem is people just aren't buying. I'll see how spring goes before I make any decisions about pulling out.

I ALMOST bought a coke out of the vending machine the other day, but I resisted. I have not done any kind of eating out for 10 days now. 10 points!

As for the weather -- how often is it that I experience a blizzard AND an earthquake in the same day, and yet my story pales beside what's happening out East! What a deluge! All you folks out there stay safe and warm.

A whole day lost

February 8th, 2010 at 02:40 am

That was yesterday. I thought I was up to a trip to the grocery store. I had a list of about ten items. Well, the store is big. My ankle was really hurting by the time I went to checkout. I came home, dragged the groceries in, took a pain pill and slept off and on the whole day. The funny thing was I slept in front of the TV so I kept waking up to Matrix Reloaded or Matrix Revolution -- or both -- it seemed to go on for hours and hours -- an endless movie -- and I never saw the end.

Today was better. I did go out for a haircut ($18) but that was my only errand. I also did my taxes. Since I am such a brain-addled gimp right now I elected to do it all on TurboTax, which cost over $100. How? Well, somehow I got sucked into the deluxe version for federal, and then I had to file two state taxes. That was way too much to pay, but at least I'm done, and I'll get $1200 back from federal and about $50 from the two states.

And I got MOST of my laundry done. The last load is soaking and I'll let it soak overnight.

My ankle pain is generally much worse, but I think it is because the numbness is wearing off. I will call my doctor tomorrow, since I am also confused about whether to start physical therapy before the pin comes out.

Still no eating out: 7 points!

Eating In Challenge

February 5th, 2010 at 01:59 pm

Just popping in to report I have 4 points on the eating-in challenge. Honestly, I rarely out eat unless it is to be social. Though I have lately been going through drive-throughs, with the rationale that it's easier than cooking when you have a bum leg!

Looking forward to this weekend. I have lots to do. I'm going to tackle grocery shopping on my own for the first time since mid-December. I'm going to get my hair trimmed. I'm going to start on my taxes. I'm also going to somehow celebrate DS1's birthday, although I haven't heard the plan yet. Yesterday I got his "save the date" card in the mail for his wedding. It gave me a little thrill -- it's really gonna happen -- he's going to marry this wonderful girl!

My car and housing funds are down a little because of the stock market. I can hardly wait till my debt is paid off and I can start adding to those funds.

January Spending

February 4th, 2010 at 12:14 am

As I thought, it was the lowest-spending month I've had in a long time. A side benefit of being temporarily disabled!

Rent - $1090
Groceries - $141
Utilities - $103 (artificially low - change in due dates)
Medical/Health - $89
Eating Out - $62
Insurance - $56
Business - $52
Gifts/Charity - $50
Gas - $23
Clothing - $22
Fees/Services - $16
Entertainment - $14
Miscellaneous - $6

Only $1724 in total.

Too chilly for me

February 3rd, 2010 at 02:29 pm

Last night after work I was so cold in my apartment (and also tired, I admit) I went straight to bed and got under the covers. I was still cold most of the night. Finally, some time in the wee hours I got up and turned up the heat. The frustrating part of the this story is that the heat was already set at 72 and I had to raise it to 75 to be comfortable. I don't know how some of you survive at the temperatures you report! I must have a wholly different body thermostat. But I am resigned now that I just have to have my heat set higher than other people and pay for it.

No spending yesterday. I ate in all day, so now have two points in the challenge.
I think I will do well with this challenge, but I might get stuck eating out this weekend, as it's DS1's birthday. In the spirit of the challenge, I will at least offer to make something instead.

Today I donated $50 to the Race for Hope. My DIL is running in honor of her friend who died of brain cancer last year. Sad, sad story, but she was an inspiring person, very much loved.

I still haven't recapped January's spending yet -- I will do that tonight.

Will work on taxes this weekend. They would be simple, but I have to deal with two states this year. I hate state taxes. Why are they always more complicated than the federal?

Fast-moving weekend

February 1st, 2010 at 01:33 pm

The weekend flew by, partly because I spent Sunday with my DS2's family. He gave me a ride to Wal-Mart so I could pick up a prescription ($10) and we all went to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant ($26.03) -- I treated. That was all my spending. I think it's going to be a good month.

I'm getting around better and better, though if I get around TOO much I pay for it at the end of the day with pain. I still have plenty of pain medication to get me through the nights.

I'm gradually putting my house back in order. The cat litter pan, which was on the bathroom counter, has been moved back on the closet floor. The foodstuffs that were sitting out for easy access are back where they belong. The shower stool has been put away. Little by little, it is becoming MY house again, not the invalid's house.

I got a notice that another medical bill was finalized -- the ambulance ride to the hospital. Paid in full.

Well, here I am facing another Monday and a whole week of work. Happy Monday everyone!