Last night after work I was so cold in my apartment (and also tired, I admit) I went straight to bed and got under the covers. I was still cold most of the night. Finally, some time in the wee hours I got up and turned up the heat. The frustrating part of the this story is that the heat was already set at 72 and I had to raise it to 75 to be comfortable. I don't know how some of you survive at the temperatures you report! I must have a wholly different body thermostat. But I am resigned now that I just have to have my heat set higher than other people and pay for it.
No spending yesterday. I ate in all day, so now have two points in the challenge.
I think I will do well with this challenge, but I might get stuck eating out this weekend, as it's DS1's birthday. In the spirit of the challenge, I will at least offer to make something instead.
Today I donated $50 to the Race for Hope. My DIL is running in honor of her friend who died of brain cancer last year. Sad, sad story, but she was an inspiring person, very much loved.
I still haven't recapped January's spending yet -- I will do that tonight.
Will work on taxes this weekend. They would be simple, but I have to deal with two states this year. I hate state taxes. Why are they always more complicated than the federal?
Too chilly for me
February 3rd, 2010 at 02:29 pm
February 3rd, 2010 at 02:45 pm 1265208337
February 3rd, 2010 at 05:30 pm 1265218242
But CB, you are still healing, are you not? I think people way underestimate the amount of ENERGY physical healing takes. Your body is busy re-building itself. Don't tax your body by making it work hard to generate heat right now. Be comfortable! Do what you need to to be warm and comfortable. You've saved in the past, to take care of yourself _now_.
February 3rd, 2010 at 09:49 pm 1265233784
An electric blanket is a good idea for the night hours. But last night I was so cold I couldn't put my hands outside of the blanket to read! That's no way to live. I'm turning up the heat!