February 24th, 2024 at 03:49 pm
I have spent very little since my last entry. I went to Walmart yesterday just to buy a loaf of bread. $4. I won't buy any more groceries unless I really need something. Needs instead of wants.
I also donated $5 to a charitable fund. That's it. Variables are at 88%.
One break I've had with my budget this month is that my assessment fees will not hit this month -- not until March 1. I paid my last one early, so I have essentially skipped the whole month of February. That has given me almost $500 worth of wiggle room. Well, not really, since my semi-annual property tax was a little over $500.
On March 2, I'm going to travel down to BFF's house for some weekend fun. We will go to a play her granddaughter is working in -- running the sound board. Of course there will be some shopping and eating out.
Still waiting for my tax refund. It seems a bit slow this year.
Posted in
February 17th, 2024 at 05:04 pm
I was hoping February would be a low-spend month, but it's not turning out that way. Partly my fault, partly not. My fault -- I ordered a Levi hybrid trucker jacket from Macy's -- a good deal, but still $57. Because of the size I needed I had to order online; I hope it fits. Not my fault -- the college where I used to work, and from which I was an official retiree, retracted the perk I got upon retirement of free Microsoft 365. The IT person I talked to -- when I started having problems -- didn't even know that retirees were given this. Anyway, it seems that with changes in administration, the whole idea of this has gone away, and they disabled my account. (Hence, the problems!) I was hitting a brick wall when I tried to get them to understand that it was a legitimate account, so I gave up and took my laptop to Best Buy to get Microsoft Office loaded onto it. I opted for the one-time fee, which was $165. Ah well. It was nice while it lasted.
Other things -- my tollway pass replenished again -- that's three months in a row, $40 a pop. I guess I could avoid the toll road more; it's just so much easier than the crowded highways. Also, I met BFF in the middle city and spent $51 on gas and food. I got a haircut -- $25 -- which is way cheaper than the salon I used to use. I was getting low on toilet paper so bought the big package at Sam's for $26. And after several months of very little grocery shopping I find I have finally started needing to stock up a little. Sigh. Variables are at 86% and I'm only halfway through the month. Well, a little more, since it's a short month!
Posted in
February 9th, 2024 at 04:49 am
Just a few updates to my spending log. The heater in my aquarium bit the dust (haha, no dust in an aquarium!) -- it malfunctioned, the red light flashing on and off erratically. I didn't want to take a chance of the fish being harmed, so I bought a new one. That, and an underwater thermometer, cost me $26. I bought a few groceries for $9, valentines for $11 and I spent $24 for lunch the other day. That seemed like a lot, but I brought home leftovers that will provide a few more meals. And I had to pay a buck for parking. Variables are at 36%. Too high for only a week into the month.
In other news, my two cents has officially been logged in by my property management company, so I hope that's the end of that saga.
Taxes are done; I am now awaiting a state refund of $238, which will be most welcome!
Posted in
January 31st, 2024 at 11:05 pm
Car |
2496 |
Insurance |
1335 |
Housing |
784 |
Vacation/Travel |
680 |
Gifts/Charity |
251 |
Utilities |
229 |
Fees & Services |
40 |
Phone |
39 |
Entertainment |
38 |
Groceries |
35 |
Gas |
30 |
Medical/Health |
29 |
Personal |
28 |
Laundry |
19 |
Clothing |
13 |
Grand Total 6046
It's a short list this month, but a big total. With car repair, insurance and vacation costs all hitting this month, it packed a whallop. There were some wins -- the low grocery bill, NO eating out (except for what was counted in vacation), and the only clothing cost was for a pair of earrings (because I misplaced the pair I was planning to wear to the wedding).
I hope to keep costs down in February.
A correction: I forgot to count $75 for a service call for my fridge. Household Repairs. So the correct total is 6121.
Posted in
January 30th, 2024 at 08:45 pm
My freezer and my pantry are finally starting to look a little spare. I mean, there's plenty of food in there, just not so packed.
Today I had chicken strips and broccoli cheese soup for lunch. The soup came from the freezer, as well as the chicken. Breakfast was toast and prunes.
Yesterday I had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, and eggs and toast for breakfast. Dinners have been trail mix.
I've spent about $12 more for groceries -- creamer, butter, raspberries. And $31 for a large box of bladder leak pads from Sam's. I also got half a tank of gas at Sam's for $15. My variables for the month are at 84%.
Posted in
January 25th, 2024 at 09:23 pm
Another day on the pantry challenge. Breakfast was toast and peanut butter. Lunch was sauteed chicken breast (one-half), green beans, sweet potatoes, buttered poppyseed noodles.
Yesterday's lunch was much the same -- chicken and noodles, green beans, sweet potatoes, a biscuit. Breakfast was two fried eggs, applesauce and toast. Yesterday's dinner was trail mix -- peanuts, raisins and a combination of white chocolate chips and butterscotch chips. It looks like I have enough of each to do that again sometime.
Dinner tonight will be bread and drippings left over from cooking the chicken.
Tomorrow I plan to finish the rest of the noodles by combining with cheese and cream. And I should be able to finish off the green beans and sweet potatoes (though there is another container of green beans in the freezer -- but I'll give that a rest!)
I also plan to use the leftover chicken breast to make two chicken 'n' biscuit sandwiches. Not sure when those will be consumed.
In other news, my buddy who accompanied me on my road trip let me know that she owes me $66. I thought we were pretty even, but she went over the receipts. I'll take it! She's going to send me a check, so it won't be available for a while.
Posted in
January 23rd, 2024 at 11:16 pm
At the pantry challenge, that is.
I made chicken and noodles the other day, and today for lunch I had a serving of that, some green beans and a scoop of mashed sweet potatoes. I will have the same lunch tomorrow! For breakfast I had oatmeal and raisins. My supper today -- which is always just a snack -- was popcorn.
I have only been to the grocery store once, and I only spent $22. I would say I might make it to the end of the month with no more grocery spending, but I will probably run out of creamer.
I started my taxes yesterday, but soon realized that my interest statement and mortgage interest statement were not yet available, so I saved my progress and closed it down. I don't even really need those documents. I know that what will happen is I will be refunded the money withheld from my RMD's. My SS is not taxable. I don't itemize; the standard deduction is always higher. But I will go through the process to make sure.
My property management company switched to a new portal this month. I was traveling when the switch was to happen, but even though I checked email every day, I never got a notice of how to log into the new site. So I wrote a check and sent it. I had to estimate what the payment would be since I was only told it would be a 3% hike.
After I got home, they finally got the new site running. I logged in, to find that my check was .02 short, so I was in "arrears." Disgruntled, I sent an e-check through the new site, for .02 plus a 2.99 processing fee. Because I didn't want any more nonsense. So the other day, I got an email statement showing that I owed them .02.
With steam coming out of my ears, I replied pretty snippily, told them that I had paid my .02 bill plus processing fee on the very day the site became live, that I wasn't going to do it again, and they'd just better fix it. I have received no reply. I'm probably going to get a .02 bill again. Hmmm, I wonder if I'll get sent to collections.
If I receive yet another ridiculous bill, I will figure out how to call someone. I am so disgusted with this company. I have tried so hard to pay this bill, despite their gross incompetence. I'll bet they have hundreds of customers who really do stiff them, pay late, etc. They need to get their act together.
Posted in
January 20th, 2024 at 10:45 pm
My latest meals from the pantry/freezer were pancakes (two days) and peanut soup (also two days). I had popcorn for a snack, as well as prunes. Still working on those cookies. Will need to cook again tomorrow.
Posted in
January 18th, 2024 at 04:06 pm
I reported earlier that my "maintenance required" message lit up while I was on my road trip. I intended to take my car to the dealer as soon as I got home, but the vicious cold snap that arrived at the same time I did kept me home for a few days. Yesterday I finally took the car to the dealer. I have to say I didn't expect the cost of 70K maintenance to be quite so high, but they did address and correct other issues -- brakes and alignment being the major ones. All told the bill was $2496. Wow. Well, I assume the car will run like a top now. I put it on my Discover card and will pay in full next month.
So, it's austerity for a while.
I averted one disaster when my refrigerator appeared to be losing its cool. I called a repairman, and he showed me that the temperature dial was set too low. I thought that might be the case, but the design of the dial made it hard for me figure out where the setting should be. He showed me and turned it up, and the fridge quickly regained its coolness. Unfortunately, it cost me a $75 service call. And I lost a half gallon of ice cream. Everything else seems to be okay, since I acted quickly. I must have accidently bumped the dial without knowing it, because I certainly didn't deliberately dial it down. Anyway, I'm glad not to be buying a new refrigerator.
As for the pantry challenge, I'm still working on the Mexican chicken casserole. One more serving today, and the remainder will go into the freezer. For breakfast I had some biscuits and an apple.
Posted in
January 15th, 2024 at 09:16 pm
Yesterday I thawed some Rhodes rolls that had been stored in my freezer. They were the rolls I didn't bake for my Christmas dinner. I set them out to thaw, but later in the day I noticed they were still hard little balls, and quite dry on top. The kitchen was so cold they were not rising. I moved them to a warmer spot and spread some olive oil on their tops. They revived somewhat, and I baked them. I had some for breakfast today, along with prunes for roughage. For lunch I had another bowl of chicken corn chowder. That was the third serving. I put the rest in the freezer to enjoy another time.
There were a lot of leftover Christmas cookies in the freezer, and I'm having a few of them every day.
There is still a lot of chicken in the freezer, both a leftover rotisserie chicken, and a bag of chicken breasts. I have printed off three recipes: cream of mushroom chicken, chicken cobbler, and chicken and rice casserole. The first two require a few ingredients I don't have, so I will make them later, but tomorrow I can make the chicken and rice casserole, and it should last me several days.
The temperature outside is not improving. I am staying housebound. Later, when the weather gets better -- hopefully in a few days -- I will need to take my car to the dealer for maintenance. The maintenance light came on during my trip. I did stop at a dealer, but was told to keep going, I had plenty of time. Still, it made me nervous. I have been taking good care of the car, so I don't think this visit will set me back too much. However, I may need brake work in back. My front brakes were worked on when I first got the car almost a year ago. I was told then the rear brakes were wearing unevely; however, subsequent visits showed that the rear brakes were fine. I'll bet it's time now to deal with them. Especially after a long road trip.
I also want to get some acrylic paints and canvases. I'm itching to do some artwork on these long winter days. That, too, I will do when it gets a little warmer.
Before I left on my trip, I took down most of my Christmas decorations, but I left the tree up with just the fairy lights. I was planning to take it down upon my return, but it's still up. It's my January tree. It makes me feel more cheeful in this depressing winter weather.
Posted in
January 13th, 2024 at 09:28 pm
Now that I'm settled at home, I'm back on the pantry challenge. Today I made chicken corn chowder, using ingredients I had on hand rather than following a recipe -- though I did print off a recipe to get the gist of it. The only thing I was really lacking was potatoes. I used potato flakes instead, which gave me the taste and also thickened the broth. It made quite a bit, so I'll have some tomorrow and maybe the next day and then freeze the rest.
Tomorrow the temperatures in our area will be bitter cold, so I do not plan on going out at all -- not even to the basement to do laundry. I did that today.
I've spent 50% of my variables, which is about right, since we're almost halfway through the month. Of course, that does not count the vacation expenses which come out of Big Ticket, not cash flow.
I hope everyone stays safe and warm during this wild weather we all seem to be experiencing!
Posted in
January 12th, 2024 at 08:27 pm
I'm back from an 11-day road trip that had some ups and downs. Unfortunately, enough downs that I decided it was my last road trip. The ups -- getting to visit with my cousin and my sister, having a delightful breakfast with my sister, attending my nephew's beautiful wedding, spending two days at a luxury resort, getting to see some old friends who came to the wedding. The downs -- it rained constantly, I drove through terrible rainstorms amid warnings of flash flooding, I got soaked to the skin pumping gas. My car went into "maintenance required/visit dealer" mode and I had to find a Toyota dealer on the fly. My travel companion and I suffered a few nights in some pretty cruddy hotels. I lost one of my favorite jackets. Ah well.
I was hoping to do the whole trip for $1,000, and I came close. I spent $745, and with the $308 room deposit I paid in December, it was $1,053! Ta-da!
I rushed the trip home, because of dire snowstorm warnings in my area. I got home before it hit (which happened today). It's not as bad as predicted, but soon the temperature will drop. I'm going to stay home until the whole thing gets more normal.
Before I got home, I bought coffee, creamer and bread at the grocery store ($22) to ride out the storm.
I've done my year-end tallies. 2023 was my most expensive year since 2016. I spent $35,678, which is $3,862 more than the year before. Housing and the "new" car led the list as the biggest expenses. Gifts/Charity, Utilities, Insurance, Vacation/Travel, and Medical were next in line. My groceries, however, were the lowest ever since I've been keeping records!
My net worth rose by almost $15,000, but that was mostly due to the rise in the value of my condo.
I'm all ready to tackle a new year of challenges. I can hardly wait!
Posted in
December 31st, 2023 at 05:48 pm
December is always a difficult month, financially. But this year it was not too bad. I exceeded my variables by 9%, but I had a few surprises, like needing a new phone and then needing a new Amazon firestick and remote. And the average of my variables spending was only 93%, so overall I did well.
I stayed within my Christmas budget of $1000, spending $989. That is not just gifts, but hosting a Christmas dinner, postage, gift wrap, cards etc. My total spending in the gift category was $1028, because there were a few non-Christmas gifts.
Anyway, here it is:
Gifts/Charity |
1028 |
Housing |
784 |
Vacation/Travel |
373 |
Furn/Equip/Décor |
287 |
Utilities |
203 |
Groceries |
94 |
Vet/Pet Supplies |
62 |
Car |
45 |
Fees & Services |
40 |
Phone |
39 |
Gas |
38 |
Entertainment |
37 |
Medical/Health |
34 |
Laundry |
22 |
Eating Out/Takeout |
16 |
Clothing |
8 |
Household Supplies |
6 |
Personal |
3 |
Grand Total 3119
The groceries were items not included in the holiday dinner. The vacation was mostly pre-payment for a hotel room on my upcoming road trip. The car expense -- wipers. The fee -- replenishment of my tollway pass.
Some of the pet supplies expense was for my fish, but some was food for my son's cat, who I am babysitting until tomorrow morning. I may get some of that back.
Of course, the phone and the firestick are reflected under "Furnishings/Equipment/Decor." The firestick was really cheap because I had Amazon credits to use.
My trip starts tomorrow. I probably won't be checking in until I get home, roughly around January 15.
Posted in
December 27th, 2023 at 08:05 pm
I had a wonderful Christmas with my family, so I'm not bah-humbugging -- but it has also been a sad and challenging Christmas. My nephew died a week before Christmas -- complications from Type 1 diabetes. It was a shock. I knew about his disease, but had no idea he was in trouble. I went to the funeral, which was out of state, and I was glad I did, since I saw family members I hadn't seen in a while. But still, a very sad affair.
Then I learned that my sister was scammed out of all of her money by someone posing as a PayPal employee. She is naive and not very savvy about technology -- and she is 80 years old and her cognitive function is diminishing -- so it is not too surprising that this happened. Her two bank accounts were emptied. There wasn't a whole lot there, but it was the money she had on hand to pay bills. The banks are working with her, and she will eventually get some or all of it back. But right now she has $2. Social Security payment will arrive in two days, thank goodness.
The worst part of it is that this has sent her into a deep depression. I'm worried, and I feel helpless. I will see her soon, when I travel next week, so I will be able to help her a little bit. Unfortunately, I'm not so rich myself.
And I just talked on the phone to my friend who is in a nursing home. It was a very difficult conversation -- he has good days and bad. This was definitely a bad one. But as we were talking, some of his family members arrived so I hope they will perk him up.
Altogether just a hard time.
I start my trip on the 1st. My sister was going to come along, but now she doesn't want to, and who can blame her. She just wants to get back to normal. So it will be my friend and I, a road trip to NC and FL, with a wedding to attend in Orlando. Hope it will put me in a happier state of mind.
Financial update to come later....
Posted in
December 13th, 2023 at 11:11 pm
I have been deep into Christmas spending. I have spent $857, out of a budget of $1000. I am mostly done. I still have to buy the supplies for Christmas dinner (which will actually be on the 17th because of scheduling conflicts). I also need to buy something for GS1's girlfriend, who will be at our Christmas Eve gift opening. I'm thinking maybe an Ulta gift card? I've only met her once. She definitely seems to be a girly girl.
Other expenses have been pretty regular. I did have to replenish my IPASS again, because I seem to be on the toll roads a lot.
I've already received notice that my assessment fees will go up by 3% in the new year, and car insurance will go up by $20 per month -- I pay semi-annually, though. So the raise I will get in Social Security -- again, about 3%-- will not be felt much.
So, not counting the Christmas spending, my variables are at a respectable 34%.
Posted in
December 1st, 2023 at 06:30 pm
Housing |
769 |
Gifts/Charity |
660 |
Taxes |
356 |
Utilities |
199 |
Vacation/Travel |
115 |
Groceries |
74 |
Personal |
71 |
Medical/Health |
56 |
Fees & Services |
56 |
Furn/Equip/Décor |
54 |
Entertainment |
51 |
Phone |
39 |
Eating Out/Takeout |
31 |
Gas |
26 |
Clothing |
21 |
Laundry |
18 |
Car |
6 |
Vet/Pet Supplies |
6 |
Grand Total |
2608 |
I made it through the month spending 99% of my variables. My average for the year is 91%, so I'm doing all right.
The big total in gifts/charity came about from my donations to two of my grandchildren's college funds. This happened in September, too.
The tax was my second installment of property tax.
Vacation -- a little trip to visit BFF in Indiana, and my Thanksgiving trip.
Nothing else really stands out. My grocery bill was low because of the traveling I did. The personal category was a little high because of a haircut and stocking up on some toiletries.
December is starting out with a bang -- as it does. I have spent $103 on Christmas gifts and some supplies for Christmas dinner. This morning I spent $29 on groceries.
I reserved a room for two nights in Orlando for the wedding I'm attending there. I had to charge $308 for the deposit, which basically covers one night. It will be an expensive trip, but worth it, I think. Most of the spending will occur in January.
Posted in
November 28th, 2023 at 07:32 pm
I'm back at home after a really nice Thanksgiving trip to my brother's house. I spent $80 on gas and food, and $5 for a special Christmas card for a friend. When I got home I spent $6 on a car wash and $4 on laundry. I've spent 98% of my variables (my spending allowance.) But today is my son's birthday, and there are plans afoot to either go out to dinner or get takeout, so I'm not going to be able to stay under 100%. At least I already have his gift.
In two more days, when the month turns, I will start ordering Christmas gifts from Amazon. The house is already decorated, and my dinner is planned, but nothing will be bought until shortly before the dinner (December 17). So I'm in a kind of relaxed mode right now, before the craziness begins!
Posted in
November 21st, 2023 at 03:51 pm
I'm pausing now as I get ready to travel tomorrow for our family get-together in Michigan. I have promised to bring green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, and a dump cake. This morning as I assembled my ingredients, I realized that I forgot to buy the yellow cake mix for the dump cake, so it's back to the store. Yesterday I spent $44 for ingredients. I logged that expenditure in Gifts/Charity. As it is a gift to the family, similar to hosting, just not at my house.
Since my last post I have bought a Christmas tree ($50), birthday gifts ($103), groceries ($37), takeout ($11), and a painter's smock ($4). I have paid the second installment on my property tax ($356). I have spent $13 on donations. I have spent 85% of my variables, and I still have a trip ahead of me. But 'tis the season.
I enjoyed the painting class I took at the community center, so I am contemplating taking the next one in December. I am also contemplating buying some paints and brushes and canvases so I can practice at home. The painting I produced in class was pretty bad, but I think I can improve with practice, and I do enjoy the process. Anyway, the next class, if I sign up for it, is $20. I probably won't buy art supplies until after Christmas, and after my trip to North Carolina and Florida in January.
Posted in
November 12th, 2023 at 07:52 pm
I've had a busy week. I drove down to Indiana to attend a birthday dinner for BFF, then spent another day and a half there. My costs for that little trip were $41 for gas and food. I also had to replenish my tollway pass ($40) and then my AARP subscription renewed ($16). While in Indiana, I went shopping with BFF at Goodwill, where I bought two pairs of jeans and some gift wrap for $18. After coming home, I sent $250 to my Oregon son for my granddaughter's birthday and college fund. (In a few days I'll do the same for one of my local grandsons). I've spent $10 on laundry so far this month, and $9 for a healthy lunch from Farmer's Fridge. And I spent $20 to sign up for a painting class at the community center. So.... I've spent 56% of my variables for the month, and it hasn't even been two weeks. Time to really slow it down.
Posted in
November 5th, 2023 at 03:13 am
Well, as I said before, November is going to be challenging. I have already spent 29% of my variables. That included a $30 medical copay, $20 in groceries, $10 for hair conditioner, $38 for deoderant (6-pack from Amazon), and $24 for a haircut. It also includes my medical premium and my streaming expenses, which are actually fixed, but it's just easier this way. Medical and entertainment categories include a lot of true variables and I'd rather not split the categories. Too much explanation, I know, and only meaningful to me. 
Tomorrow I will go to a cookout at my ex's house, and I'll buy potato salad to take, and probably a bottle of wine as a late birthday present. On Tuesday I'm going to go down to BFF's house and there I will attend a birthday dinner for her and another friend. I'll spend a day there and come home on Thursday to attend a free Tai Chi class to see if I like it.
My big expenses this month are the second installment of my property tax, birthday presents for my granddaughter, grandson and son, and college fund donations for the two grands having birthdays. And there will be a trip to my brother's house in Michigan for Thanksgiving, and food expenses for that event.
And after that comes Christmas, and a trip to Florida for my nephew's wedding. Which may include a side trip to NC! Whew! A lot going on.
Posted in
October 31st, 2023 at 10:02 pm
Housing |
769 |
Utilities |
206 |
Car |
188 |
Clothing |
119 |
Furn/Equip/Décor |
95 |
Gifts/Charity |
67 |
Vacation/Travel |
47 |
Medical/Health |
45 |
Phone |
38 |
Entertainment |
37 |
Groceries |
33 |
Eating Out/Takeout |
28 |
Gas |
25 |
Personal |
20 |
Vet/Pet Supplies |
16 |
Laundry |
14 |
Fares/Parking |
2 |
Grand Total |
1749 |
It wasn't a big-spending month, though it felt like it at times. The last few weeks I really struggled to come in under 100% with my variables. I actually spent 102%, but I felt that was pretty good. There were no big ticket items this month, and that kept the grand total down.
The car and my wardrobe were most expensive this month. I had an oil change and also replaced several filters. In the clothing category, I bought some short dressy boots and a zip-up hoodie.
In the FED category, I logged the replacement battery for my cell phone. I wasn't sure where to put that, but in the end decided it was an equipment expense.
The gifts were Halloween candy and cards, and food that I took to a friend's funeral.
My grocery bill was so ridiculously low because family members of the man who died, who had traveled some distance for the funeral, had bought groceries to use during their stay here. They didn't use them all, and they gave the surplus to me. So I really didn't have to buy much.
This coming month I have three birthdays, and the second payment of my property tax. So, yeah, another challenging month.
Posted in
October 17th, 2023 at 01:01 am
The phone battery cost more than I expected -- I don't think I was really listening when the price was quoted. Anyway, after the deposit was deducted and tax was added it was $65. When I went to pick it up, I pulled up in front of the shop and reached for my phone to pay for parking -- of course, it was in the shop. Duh. I could have paid the old-fashioned manual way, which I figured would take more time than I would spend in the shop, so I took a chance and skipped it. When I came out, of course, a parking patrol vehicle was pulled up nearby. There was no ticket on my car, so I quickly pulled out and left. But I will bet anything I'll get a ticket in the mail.
I went to the grocery store this morning to get tomato paste for spaghetti sauce. While there, I saw that Breyer's now makes a non-dairy ice cream from oat milk. I bought a carton, which was expensive, but among the groceries my friends gave me there was a carton of root beer. I thought it would be fun to make root beer floats with some of those, as I am not a big soda drinker. Well, the ice cream wasn't that great, so I rather regret the purchase, but now I know.
I spent $7 for those two items.
I still have plenty of food, so I should be fine if I don't make any more impulse buys.
I got a notice that another $30 bill was added to my medical account. I'll pay that on November 1.
Posted in
October 12th, 2023 at 08:37 pm
A couple of updates -- I made a math error and it turns out I have only spent 83% of my variables. That is more comfortable. And it includes a modest grocery bill of $18 that wasn't in there before.
It also includes a $20 deposit to the cell phone repair business. They have ordered a new battery for me, which will be about $75, but the $20 will be deducted from that. I am hopeful it will come in tomorrow, but that would be the earliest possible date. I am a bit worried because a swollen battery is dangerous. I didn't realize that until after I had made the decision to get a new battery rather than a new phone. Had I known that, I probably would have opted for the new phone, as the safer option. But at least this option is cheaper, as long as my phone doesn't blow up!
I still have two and a half weeks to get through with only $124 (not counting regular bills). I should be able to do this, but I sure do get tired of this.
I went to my grandson's volleyball scrimmage last night, which lasted three hours! And the only seating was hard bleachers! Still, fun to watch, even though my grandson was disappointed in his team's performance, and his own. To make this financial -- my grandson managed to lose track of his own personal volleyball, which cost $80. Luckily, we found it at the end, stuck in the bin with all the balls belonging to the sports center. And guess who found it? Moi. It surely must have been my thrifty radar.
Posted in
October 10th, 2023 at 02:54 pm
I dawdled over my entry too long, and forgot to copy it, so it's lost. So now it's the short version.....
I have spent 90% of my variables, which is basically my spending allowance for the month. It's been a crazy beginning to the month. I won't go into all the details again, but I was involved in helping friends with a death in the family, and a lot of fallout from it. I wasn't home very much and that led to unusual spending patterns.
Things are back to normal again. The good part about the above is that the friends gave me a lot of groceries they couldn't use, and this will really help me get through the month.
I'm not done spending yet. Later today I'm going to see if I can get my cell phone fixed. The back is separating from the phone, which I think is due to a swollen battery. It can be fixed with a new battery, if that is indeed the problem. We shall see.
Posted in
September 30th, 2023 at 07:38 pm
Housing |
769 |
Gifts/Charity |
577 |
Utilities |
212 |
Medical/Health |
190 |
Groceries |
100 |
Personal |
96 |
Entertainment |
67 |
Phone |
38 |
Vet/Pet Supplies |
36 |
Eating Out/Takeout |
35 |
Clothing |
33 |
Gas |
29 |
Household Supplies |
24 |
Laundry |
18 |
Car |
5 |
Fares/Parking |
2 |
Grand Total 2231
Variables 99%
The big number this month is gifts -- because of two grandsons' birthdays, and my donations to their college funds.
Medical was a bit high, too, though it was mostly co-pays. More to come.
But all in all, I kept it in line. Should be able to transfer $600 to savings.
I was expecting to see my annual payment for condo insurance withdrawn this month. It hasn't happened yet, so it will probably appear on Monday.
Posted in
September 27th, 2023 at 07:27 pm
Yesterday I finished up the month's grocery shopping and hit $100 (for the month) on the nose -- with one caveat. I accidentally double-scanned an item so I had to go back and get reimbursed. Luckily, it was no problem.
Today I bought some facial serum, and it was $28 after cashing in a $5 reward from Walgreens. I've spent $100 on cosmetic items this month, as well as groceries. But I only bought three things -- the serum, a twin-pack of retinol night cream, and eyebrow gel. What price beauty? As much as sustenance, apparently. Well, these products will last a while.
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September 24th, 2023 at 05:14 am
Tomorrow is my grandson's birthday. Today I withdrew $250 -- $200 for his college fund and $50 for his gift. I also bought a couple of cards for $10. One is for him, the other is for my son, whose birthday is in February. It just happened to be the perfect card for him, so I bought it.
I did a little juggling and correcting, and my variables are now at 85%.
We will have a little party tomorrow.
On Tuesday, I'll do my last grocery shopping trip of the month.
I've had a hankering for a Reuben sandwich, but when I shopped last week I did not want to buy a corned beef brisket -- way too big. I was at Aldi, so deli options were limited. So I bought canned corned beef, thinking, how bad can it be? It was pretty bad. I will have to think of other ways to use it up. Corned beef hash, for sure, and I can also make a sandwich spread with mayo and relish, like tuna salad.
It's very salty. I doubt I will buy it again.
Posted in
September 21st, 2023 at 11:09 pm
Wow, has it really been ten days since I posted? That doesn't seem right, but it seems it's true.
I spent $24 for groceries this week, and $5 on household supplies (bleach). I paid $115 in medical fees, and there are more charges in the percolator. It's been a time of many medical appointments. Nothing scary, though. Just getting things checked out, and getting a thumbs-up.
I spent $33 on clothes from Goodwill. I am losing weight (yay!) and needed a few items that would fit better. On the same day I treated myself to lunch at Panera for $14.
A few days ago I ordered a phone grip for my sister on Amazon and had it delivered to her - $10.
I think that's mainly it -- variables are at 90%, mainly driven by that medical spending.
This evening I'm going to another suburb to get my RSV shot. It wasn't available at my Walgreens. I assume it will not cost me anything, but we will see. I made an appointment for the new COVID booster for a week from today. That will be close to home.
Posted in
September 12th, 2023 at 05:04 am
I went to a garage sale yesterday and found a gift for BFF -- a lusterware cream and sugar set. She likes lusterware -- I hope she feels she can add more to her collection. It was $6. Her birthday is coming up in November.
I sent $250 to my Oregon son -- the $200 for my grandson's college fund, and $50 for a birthday gift.
I intended to grocery shop today, but I was too tired after a lousy night's sleep. So far I'm not doing any better tonight! I did manage to do some laundry - $2.
I got a notice that I owe $75 for medical bills -- haven't paid it yet, though -- I'll do that when I get my SS payment next Wednesday. The $75 is my share for an x-ray and doctor visit for my arthritic knee, and for the Mohs surgery on my face. I thought that was pretty good insurance coverage!
Right now my variables are at 55%, which doesn't count the $200 college money. That's a big ticket item, different bucket.
Posted in
September 7th, 2023 at 07:22 pm
I have already spent 39% of my variables, which is basically my monthly spending allowance. And it doesn't really seem I have bought much.
Yesterday I got the car washed for $5, spent $2 on laundry, and ordered a fascia blaster from Amazon for $13. The day before, I spent $5 at Cold Stone Creamery (had a $5 gift card, but the smallest container of sorbet I could buy was $10.) I also spent $1 on parking that day. And the day before that it was time to buy aquarium filters. I bought two boxes, because the second was half-price. I've gotta lotta filters! That was $36.
About the fascia blaster. I have figured out that a lot of my pain is from tight fascia -- basically all over. I hope this will help. It's a hand-held roller with bumps on it. I've tried the foam roller bit, so don't recommend that! I am not agile enough to get down on the floor and roll myself around! LOL. I've been here a long time; I'm an old lady now!
The weather has cooled off and it looks like it will stay cool in the 10-day forecast. I might take down my air conditioners. One of them -- the one I had so much trouble installing because the wings fell off, is sitting at a drunken level now and I'm a little bit afraid it might fall out the window. I might just have to get a new one next year -- one that fits the space better. This one is actually a little too small for the room In terms of BTU.
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