Home > April Recap

April Recap

May 5th, 2024 at 05:06 pm
Housing 784
Fees & Services 254
Utilities 213
Groceries 162
Medical/Health 93
Home Repair/Maint. 65
Personal 62
Phone 49
Eating Out/Takeout 39
Household Supplies 39
Fares/Parking 34
Gas 32
Entertainment 31
Gifts/Charity 18
Laundry 18
Vet/Pet Supplies 13
Car 6

Grand Total                 1912

Nothing much to comment on. It was the calm before the storm. Higher grocery and medical than usual, because some of the fallout from my accident had trickled in. The fares listed were Uber rides to medical appointments.

I am trying to be very careful with my spending now, but it's hard when I can't drive. I order on Amazon or grab something when I get a ride from someone. I'm pretty well stocked on groceries now, but I know an Instacart order is in the future.

I haven't received any medical bills or EOB's yet. I don't know how bad it will be yet.

My car has been assessed by the claims adjustor, but the collision shop has not yet emailed the estimate. (My son took the car in.)

The Secretary of State sent me a letter telling me that my license has been revoked. Standard procedure, apparently, for anyone who faints while driving. Well, it makes sense. I have to pass a number of medical tests, have my doctor sign off on them, and then reapply for my license.

My brain wave test showed something that requires followup from a neurologist. I read the results, and it seems to be an abundance of caution thing, but we'll see. The neurologist is in Chicago, and the appointment is ten days from now. I will probably Uber there, since my son and DIL will be working, and my ex will be traveling.

Doing all kinds of new stuff, like borrowing ebooks, and trying to do strength training at home. I walk in the neighborhood, but only if I'm not feeling dizzy. I don't know if I'm really dizzy or if I just have a fear of dizziness now.

Mostly I feel good, though. I just have to work through all of this.

Thank you for all your nice comments!

2 Responses to “April Recap”

  1. michelle Says:

    Take care of yourself, CB You will figure this out. Prayers for good health.

  2. Lots of ideas Says:

    Loss of license is a very hard transition. I voluntarily gave mine up last year due to vision issues, but I have always lived where I can walk everywhere so day to day life didn’t change.
    If you find you have to give up your car, keep in mind that the cost of the car, maintenance, gas, insurance, inspection funds a lot of Uber and delivery.
    I use a grocery store that is part of Albertson’s and they have a program called Fresh Pass for grocery delivery. It costs $99 per year but includes a $5 credit each month so is $39 per year. You also have to tip the driver but that $10 is less than the cost of a taxi from the store. I shop once or twice per month - depending on the sale prices on things I use. $240 in tips it’s way less than car insurance here!
    Hoping things work out for you.

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