Home > November Recap

November Recap

December 1st, 2023 at 06:30 pm
Housing 769
Gifts/Charity 660
Taxes 356
Utilities 199
Vacation/Travel 115
Groceries 74
Personal 71
Medical/Health 56
Fees & Services 56
Furn/Equip/Décor 54
Entertainment 51
Phone 39
Eating Out/Takeout 31
Gas 26
Clothing 21
Laundry 18
Car 6
Vet/Pet Supplies 6
Grand Total 2608

I made it through the month spending 99% of my variables. My average for the year is 91%, so I'm doing all right.

The big total in gifts/charity came about from my donations to two of my grandchildren's college funds. This happened in September, too.

The tax was my second installment of property tax.

Vacation -- a little trip to visit BFF in Indiana, and my Thanksgiving trip.

Nothing else really stands out. My grocery bill was low because of the traveling I did. The personal category was a little high because of a haircut and stocking up on some toiletries.

December is starting out with a bang -- as it does. I have spent $103 on Christmas gifts and some supplies for Christmas dinner. This morning I spent $29 on groceries.

I reserved a room for two nights in Orlando for the wedding I'm attending there. I had to charge $308 for the deposit, which basically covers one night. It will be an expensive trip, but worth it, I think. Most of the spending will occur in January.

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