The weekend flew by, partly because I spent Sunday with my DS2's family. He gave me a ride to Wal-Mart so I could pick up a prescription ($10) and we all went to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant ($26.03) -- I treated. That was all my spending. I think it's going to be a good month.
I'm getting around better and better, though if I get around TOO much I pay for it at the end of the day with pain. I still have plenty of pain medication to get me through the nights.
I'm gradually putting my house back in order. The cat litter pan, which was on the bathroom counter, has been moved back on the closet floor. The foodstuffs that were sitting out for easy access are back where they belong. The shower stool has been put away. Little by little, it is becoming MY house again, not the invalid's house.
I got a notice that another medical bill was finalized -- the ambulance ride to the hospital. Paid in full.
Well, here I am facing another Monday and a whole week of work. Happy Monday everyone!
Fast-moving weekend
February 1st, 2010 at 01:33 pm