Home > Got the pin out

Got the pin out

February 26th, 2010 at 06:42 pm

Well, they took the pin out of my leg on Wednesday -- actually it was a 3-inch screw. They asked me if I wanted to keep it and I laughed. Though it did look usable. Smile

I am walking better, though walking is still painful. Still, I'm glad that now my bones can move naturally now that they are not screwed together.

I did not eat out on the day of the surgery. I had breakfast at my son's house, and skipped lunch. Got home about 2pm and had linner. Watched a Netflix movie and went to bed early. Back to work the next day. It's been fine, but I'm glad the weekend is almost here.

On Tuesday night I went out with my sons, DIL, DIL-to-be, and grandsons to celebrate DS1's birthday. Went to a very nice Italian place and got a 50% discount because it is in the same franchise my sons works at. I think, with tip and all, it was about $85 for all of us, a very good price considering that we took home a ton of leftovers. I had roast chicken and I plan to make soup from it this weekend.

Other than that, I spent $6.35 for a prescription, and $5 for cupcakes for the birthday party.

Looking forward to a lot of R&R this weekend. Hope everyone else has a great one, too!

2 Responses to “Got the pin out”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I bet I'm not the first to congratulate you on having a screw loose.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Yes, so far everything has been covered by insurance. But of course it takes a long time to get the "ultimate" bill, so I don't know yet how much will be covered. I have just been making $15 co-payments for the office visits.

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