That was yesterday. I thought I was up to a trip to the grocery store. I had a list of about ten items. Well, the store is big. My ankle was really hurting by the time I went to checkout. I came home, dragged the groceries in, took a pain pill and slept off and on the whole day. The funny thing was I slept in front of the TV so I kept waking up to Matrix Reloaded or Matrix Revolution -- or both -- it seemed to go on for hours and hours -- an endless movie -- and I never saw the end.
Today was better. I did go out for a haircut ($18) but that was my only errand. I also did my taxes. Since I am such a brain-addled gimp right now I elected to do it all on TurboTax, which cost over $100. How? Well, somehow I got sucked into the deluxe version for federal, and then I had to file two state taxes. That was way too much to pay, but at least I'm done, and I'll get $1200 back from federal and about $50 from the two states.
And I got MOST of my laundry done. The last load is soaking and I'll let it soak overnight.
My ankle pain is generally much worse, but I think it is because the numbness is wearing off. I will call my doctor tomorrow, since I am also confused about whether to start physical therapy before the pin comes out.
Still no eating out: 7 points!
A whole day lost
February 8th, 2010 at 02:40 am
February 8th, 2010 at 06:37 pm 1265654266