Home > A ticket to fly, and more

A ticket to fly, and more

July 15th, 2007 at 11:53 pm

Big spender today -- I bought a ticket to fly to Kansas City on the 24th, to see my son's family. They are moving to Chicago in August, so I wanted to visit one last time in KC. The ticket was ~$270. I'll have to drive to Charlotte (about two hours away) to catch the flight, as everything out of Asheville and Greenville were way too expensive.

I also bought a few things at Wal-Mart -- a wastebasket, laundry sorter, more hangers. About $20. I wish I could say my room is more organized, but it isn't. I think I need to have another garage sale -- but not this summer.

I signed up for MyPoints today and did a little clicking. I don't imagine I will rack up the points very fast, but every little bit helps!

1 Responses to “A ticket to fly, and more”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    my points adds up faster than you think it might. I've been doing it since arriving here at Saving Advice; one of the first pieces of advice I followed. I cash the points in when they get to somewhere between 4 & 5 thousand, and just keep the gift cards until I need a gift for someone. Nice to have on hand.
    Be sure your profile on my points is as broad as possible, then you receive more emails per day & ultimately more points.

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