Home > Two busy days, and a sad one

Two busy days, and a sad one

December 17th, 2008 at 01:38 am

Yesterday I took care of a few chores-- collected and took out the garbage, cleaned the cat pans, and hung my new valance. I did some cooking -- banana bread and chicken barbecue. And I did some financial stuff -- called TIAA-CREF to discuss changing my allotments (but decided to keep them as they are).

The big chore was taking my car in for the 90,000-mile checkup. I had to get a new battery, and they cleaned the engine, changed the air filter, flushed the power steering, did a safety inspection -- and I got an oil change and tire rotation as well. Altogether it was $353 -- about what I was expecting, though I wasn't exactly thrilled.

At the end of the day my son called to let me know that a dear friend who has brain cancer has entered the hospital with brain swelling. It looks bad for her. She has bravely battled this disease for two and a half years (after being told she had only six months). She is only 30 years old. Although this news is not unexpected, it hit me hard, and I tossed and turned all night after FTD'ing some flowers. She is far away and I can't visit. I can't call her because she has lost her speech. I'm just so sad.

Today I ran some errands -- mailed another Christmas package (the last one), picked up some prescriptions, picked up dry cleaning, got a few groceries. I also got my hair trimmed -- this after I tried to do it myself -- bad idea! At least I didn't ruin it, but that's one frugal idea that doesn't work.

I also scrubbed my couch and partially cleaned the interior of my car. Have to finish it up with one of those strong vacuums at the car wash.

3 Responses to “Two busy days, and a sad one”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    My husbands father works for TIAA-CREF...they are a solid company and still doing fine as far as I know.

  2. mamasita Says:

    How awful for your young friend suffering from brain cancer, at least you let her know you were thinking of her, even if you couldn't talk to each other.

  3. fern Says:

    How sad for your friend. I wish no one had to go through that. Not being able to speak must be very isolating, at the time when you need support the most.

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