Home > 15 Items or Less

15 Items or Less

December 17th, 2010 at 03:38 pm

My fifteen items:

5 lbs. flour – on sale for 1.69
Bakery cookies – supposed to be free, but I paid 3.99
Bread – on sale for 2.00
2 bottles of ginger – BOGO – 5.39
Wine – on sale for 6.99
Cream of chicken soup (26 oz.) – on sale for 1.89
Whole fryer – 4.96
1 dozen large eggs – on sale for 1.99
1 can pumpkin – on sale for 1.69
Kitty litter – 8.49
3.5 lbs. cat chow – 5.79
16 lbs. cat chow – 12.49
Gallon milk – on sale for 3.09

I must have miscounted in my cart, because there are only 14. Which is a shame – I took back juice because I thought it was over the limit. (I did get a small bottle of OJ free at work, as well as a couple of oranges, so I’m okay on that front.)

My asleep-at-the-wheel snafu’s: I had a coupon for free bakery cookies, which I laid on the conveyer belt, but now that I look at the receipt, I see that it was not used. I sure wouldn’t have bought cookies for 3.99 otherwise. And I bought kitty litter with a peel-off coupon, but I forgot to peel it off and use it. That’s not so bad, I can use it next time. I don’t know what to do about that cookie coupon, though. I can’t prove that I had it. I guess I could plead my case to customer service and see what happens.

I guess it’s just as well that there were only 14 items, because I have to go back to buy a pie pan. I decided not to buy a pie, but make a pie, for my DIL’s Christmas dinner. I found a pumpkin pie recipe that uses a crumb crust, but I forgot I no longer have pie pans. I don’t make pies very often, and I usually use a frozen crust in a tin foil pan. I don’t think I have anything that will serve as a pie pan.

Getting only 15 items is forcing some adjustments. I was going to buy two cans of chicken breast for the chicken & dumplings, but bought a whole chicken instead. That will give me extra meat and broth, and it was only one item! After much deliberation, I decided to buy the two little bottles of ginger since I got the second one free, even though I don’t need that much ginger. Maybe I’ll make gingerbread for Christmas. I bought a gallon of milk, even though I don’t use it up quickly. I will have to freeze some of it. I bought a bigger bottle of wine, in hopes it will last two weeks! It is cheaper that way, too. Even when it came to buying the chicken soup, I bought the big can. What I don’t use in the chicken & dumplings I’ll save for something else – freeze it if I have to.

1 Responses to “15 Items or Less”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Update -- I was at the grocery the next day, so I asked, and they happily refunded me the money. Just took my word on it that I had the coupon. Nice customer service!

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