What a month. Crazy spending. Here is how it breaks down:
Medical: 1630
Rent: 1132
Utilities: 229
Furnishings & Equipment: 227
Groceries: 182
Gifts/Charity: 110
Eating Out: 75
Insurance: 66
Business: 54
Gas: 38
Personal: 32
Vet/Pet Supplies: 30
Car Repair/Maintenance: 25
Clothing: 23
Entertainment: 12
Household Supplies: 3
Total: 3868
It is the costliest month I've had all year, but what really tipped the scale was the medical. I supposedly have an out-of-pocket cap of $1750. We'll see if that holds true. I'm almost there.
I was looking at a magazine in the break room today and pulled out an insert with coupons for Dominick's. It was a good find. I shopped on the way home from work. I paid $23.82, and my total savings was $17.77, or 43%! Here is what I bought:
5 "Eating Right" entrees (their version of Lean Cuisine)
1 box Eggo muffin tops
2 lbs. Jimmy Dean sausage
Alfredo sauce
Freschetta pizza
Red Baron pizza
Obviously, it was a frozen food promotion. I had coupons on all of the above, as well as a $5 off coupon for buying $15 worth of frozen food. That's okay. I will want a stocked freezer when I'm recovering from my surgery -- which is next Wednesday.
And since I bought only 11 items I can still go to Wal-Mart tomorrow and get the few things I need.
Tomorrow there is a rummage sale at a big church in a well-heeled area. I want to go, but then again, I want to make October a lot leaner than September. But there might be great deals! Or I might just spend money on things I don't need! What to do, what to do. I'll see how I feel tomorrow.
September recap & grocery shopping
October 1st, 2011 at 01:13 am
October 2nd, 2011 at 09:08 pm 1317586119
October 3rd, 2011 at 12:15 am 1317597345