Home > Met my dinner goal

Met my dinner goal

June 14th, 2012 at 02:08 pm

I wanted to spend only $15 for dinner last night, and I did it! $35 left.

I ordered a shrimp creviche appetizer and drank water. I also ate a lot of tortilla chips and salsa to fill in. The serving was small, but delicious, and I actually felt quite satisfied.

Getting together with friends was priceless!

Today after work I'm off to an out-of-town workshop, so that spending will be off the table. Still, I will try to keep it down.

2 Responses to “Met my dinner goal”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    Amen sister! I think we sometimes forget that we can still have full experiences without spending big bucks. We're trying to hit the reset button on that front right now, as well.

  2. Looking Forward Says:

    Nice! Smile I like reading about your $300 challenge.

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