I bought breakfast at Panera's today. It was $8. In hindsight I could have gone to Dunkin' Donuts or Starbuck's, where I have gift cards, but that thought didn't kick in soon enough.
I drove to work today because I have to go to the hospital for a routine test, and I have to work late as well. I ran short on time in the morning, so I didn't pack any food. So the breakfast was defensible, in my mind, as both a necessity and a treat. It was good, but I won't do it too often. I for sure won't pick a poppyseed bagel again, as the seeds lodged in my teeth and I had quite the snarly appearance until I got them cleaned out!
Yesterday I spent $72 on gifts on Amazon. I hope now I am near the end. Funny, I don't really enjoy gift-buying unless I feel I am getting great bargains. Amazon shopping is stressful to me -- and I'm always thinking -- do they really want that? Even though they picked it out!
At noon yesterday I walked to the jewelry store and took in my Lenox clock, which has lost its timepiece. The jeweler said he would try to find a replacement that would fit, but didn't seem too confident. It is a lovely little porcelain clock and I hate to give up on it. He predicted it would cost about $40-45.
On the way back I stopped at a resale shop, where I bought a Talbot's sweater for $6 and two Christmas Village people for $1 each. The figurines will go to my DIL. Now that's the kind of Christmas shopping I like to do!
I made Turkey Manhattan for dinner and did some laundry. Didn't get the tree put up because I was too exhausted. Now it will be some time before I do, because I'll be home late tonight, and tomorrow I'm going straight downtown after work to start my girlfriends' weekend. (More spending). I'm looking forward to an austere January!
Oh, I almost forgot! I got on the Macy's website yesterday and found that my statement hasn't been created yet, so I don't owe them yet. AND I found that I had received a $37 discount that I didn't figure on! So my clothing expense for last month for the coat and two pairs of boots was under $300.
First, a confession
December 5th, 2012 at 03:58 pm