Home > What a Weeked!

What a Weeked!

October 7th, 2013 at 03:34 pm

First of all, since it was Homecoming weekend, I worked a lot. And while most of it was sitting at the information desk, it was challenging because the questions were mostly unanticipated. I hope next year we will have a better grasp about things the alumni wanted to know. We were pretty unprepared, with no information about the hotel rooms that were blocked off, the shuttle schedule, the cafeteria/coffee shop hours ... you get the picture. We basically only had the schedule of events and name tags.

The good thing was that I was given both breakfast and lunch and a little time to eat them!

I took the train, anticipating heavy traffic, both in my work town and my home town. My home town was hosting Homecoming at a large university with a hotly-anticipated game, so I knew that it, especially, would be a mess. So I left work at 3, and I got home at --- 6! Oy! We were stopped on the tracks because of a signal problem (it was storming like crazy). The car was full of rowdy, impatient fans, who were also celebrating early. (Drinking is allowed on the trains). It was ... interesting.

At six I went straight to my son's house to babysit. They pitched an amazing concept to me -- they would like to pool their resources with mine and my DIL's mother and buy a big house for us all to live in. The idea is for the mothers to be available to help with child care, and later on be cared for in turn. I blurted out that it sounded great, but in fact, I have a lot of reservations. I love everyone involved, but I don't know if I want to LIVE with all of them -- and I am just getting settled into the condo I love and I'm so happy there. And I love my independence. I think I'm going to have to backpedal but I hate the idea of hurting anyone's feelings! This is so awkward!

Has anyone else been in a similar circumstance?

On Sunday I just stayed home and rested. I did some laundry and a little cleaning, but mostly I lay on the couch and watched movies on TV.

I did do my grocery shopping on Sunday. I had to buy eleven items -- I just couldn't pick one to eliminate:

Sandwich bread
Creamer (for work, and I forgot to bring it!)
Cheese slices
Honeycrisp apples
Spinach salad
Sourdough bread

Total cost was $34.

I somehow got to the store without my list, even though I distinctly remember putting it in my bag! So I didn't even try to get the makings for the soup I was planning to make. I'll do it next week. I've already got plenty of meal choices anyway:

Pork cutlets w/cajun seasoning
Tuna salad
Spinach salad
Grilled cheese sandwiches
Carrot soup
Chicken fajitas

It was nice to just grab a muffin from home this morning. They were on sale, too!

3 Responses to “What a Weeked!”

  1. SicilyYoder Says:

    I and my foster children (biological nieces and nephews) are in a similar situation because Mother can't stay the night alone because she has sleep apnea and can't wear any of the masks(her outlaw uncle tried to drown her in Cumberland River, so she can't stand anything on her face; post-traumatic stress), so she wakes up choking. She also has mental illness, which is getting worse.
    My foster children are older now, but none have a true place of their own, so they rotate spending nights to watch her. My stepdad( not officially, but I call him stepdad) helps out two nights a week as he works security like my oldest son. My oldest son lives with her, but he likes to stay at my place as does my baby girl (she's 19)once a week.
    We discussed it last night, and they will rotate more. Ashlee will go home (she lives with my baby sister) on weekends and come back to stay with me Sunday-Tuesdays. Andrew (oldest son)will stay with Mother those nights after he gets off from his security job.
    It's been really difficult because I am healing from a car wreck and have to sleep in my memory-foam mattress bed. I went on holiday to a state park and have been having horrible pain since the trip because I slept on their bed.
    Mother seems not to understand it. She is VERY cold all the time and has the heat on during the summer. I have terrible hot flashes, so I keep the air on 60 and sleep under a sheet. I go over to her place to give her a shower several times a week, and I literally get nauseous, at times, from the sauna-like apartment.
    She's proposed the moving in to a big farm. I won't do it. I can't do it. We couldn't live together. I have great empathy for your situation.

  2. Jenn Says:

    My 2 cents: Just be honest and say 'no'. You should be able to do that with family, but even if it hurts feelings temporarily, it's the right thing to do.

    That is a major life decision - not something you should do as a favor.

  3. baselle Says:

    Those reservations are telling you something. Personally I think its a way to extract a down payment and free babysitting right now from you with a vague promise of some benefit years down the line. It could work out but more likely in your later years everybody forgets what you've done in the first years and you with DIL's mother are the burden.

    Let your evil banker give you an out: I'd just mention that with the mortgage I have that its necessary to stay in my condo for 5 years or so.

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