Home > Found a Dime

Found a Dime

July 29th, 2014 at 02:07 pm

Woo-hoo! Found a dime, which puts me REALLY close to the $40 mark in Found Money! Any day now! And I'm also close to the $1000 mark on Snowflakes, so I have two countdowns in progress!

I spent $2 yesterday on a gift for a co-worker -- a beautiful teacup and saucer at Goodwill. I also bought a top for my granddaughter for $2.

And then I stopped at Home Depot and bought 5 LED bulbs. I got $40 off for the contractor discount (no, I'm not a contractor, but they didn't seem to mind). So they were only $27.

I'll be paying my condo insurance today - $160.

Everything else is on autopilot.

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