Home > A Quiet Weekend

A Quiet Weekend

October 20th, 2014 at 02:16 pm

It was a quiet weekend. I was supposed to work on Saturday for Homecoming, but one of my co-workers insisted on taking my shift, since she was going to be stuck there anyway. It was very nice of her.

On Saturday morning, my couch was picked up by the upholstery team. The owner was supposed to call with an estimate, but she hasn't done so yet. I'll call her today if she doesn't make the call herself.

I grocery-shopped on Sunday, spending $54, so I could use my $5 off $50 coupon. I bought some pricey vinegars and oils. I've been making my own salad dressing and I wanted to branch out into new recipes. The toasted sesame oil alone was $7.99, so I hope it is worth it in the end.

I made a big pot of chili, ate two servings and froze the rest. I also made muffins and boiled eggs for breakfasts-on-the-go. I had plans to make a chicken stir-fry dinner, but that didn't get done. I'll make it tonight.

I made some popcorn on the stovetop, which pretty much didn't pop. I Googled for possible reasons, and read that I should soak it in water, then store in the fridge. I'm giving it a try. Apparently popcorn should not get too dehydrated.

I did just one load of laundry. None of the other bins were full, and I don't like to run small loads, since I'm paying a set price.

Someone must have opened the door of my dryer, because when I went down to get my load, I found a dryer full of wet clothes. Who would do that, and not start it up again? I couldn't start it up again without another trip up and down the stairs to get more change.

I was so ticked off I just took all the wet clothes to my condo and hung them up. They turned out fine, though it was a bit of a hassle, and it meant my shower was unusable for a day.

Today I drove in so that I can take the car seat to a pack 'n' ship place. I'll get gas, too.

On Wednesday I'm meeting my former boss for dinner, along with another co-worker. It will be downtown, so not cheap, but I'll take the train and not attempt parking downtown again!

2 Responses to “A Quiet Weekend”

  1. Kiki Says:

    So sorry to hear of the dryer incident. Soon you won't have to traipse downstairs and back up again for your laundry!

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That is so annoying to have someone do something like that!

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