My errands were completed in a northern suburb, where I had to go to return the CD to Cracker Barrel. There are NO nearby Cracker Barrels! Makes sense, since they seem to always be on highway intersections.
So I went to Cracker Barrel, returned the CD, and was reimbursed for all but $3 of the expense. I didn't finish listening to the book, but I can get it at the library.
While there, I bought a My Little Pony flying unicorn for my granddaughter, to give her for her birthday or Christmas. It was 40% off. However, it wasn't a good deal, because I saw the same thing in the grocery store, cheaper. Oh well. It was $4.
Then I went on to the grocery store, where I spent $37. This included two valentine cards and two little boxes of candy. Other than that I bought ten items, returning to my old system which worked so well. My ten items: Honey, brown sugar, toilet paper, oregano, eggs, paper towels, shredded cheddar, almond milk, and Greek yogurt.
I found a nickel, plus, at this grocery store, I paid a lower tax rate, and I got plastic bags, which I need for cleaning the cat pan! But it's not worth it driving that far on a regular basis.
I still had to find a post office to mail my packages, but I was very hungry. So I looked for a Chipotle. Using a gift card, I got lunch for only $1. And the burrito was so large it served as my dinner, too.
Then I went to the post office, where my packages cost $17.
Wasted a quarter on my way home, when I stopped at my library branch, only to remember too late that it is closed on Thursdays. The quarter was for the parking meter.
But all in all, a successful day.
Once home, I applied for an Alliant Credit Union credit card, which will give me $500 for spending $2250 in three months. I also signed up for the Peak Usage program with my electrical provider. If I can reduce my usage during peak times, I will get a credit on my bill.
I did not get to the taxes, or to the mending.
Today I'm going to babysit my grandson from 9:30 to 2, so my DIL can get some errands done herself.
Got a nice early surprise -- my $275 stipend from the College has already been deposited. It is scheduled for the 15th, but I guess President's Day affected that.
Variables spending is now at 38%, with 42% of the month gone. So I'm doing good there.
Today's Menu:
Breakfast: Banana bread French toast
Lunch: Will scrounge for something at son's house
Dinner: Sloppy gobbler, Refrigerator soup (didn't have it yesterday)
My Errand Day
February 12th, 2016 at 01:51 pm
February 12th, 2016 at 06:31 pm 1455301892
February 12th, 2016 at 08:27 pm 1455308861
February 13th, 2016 at 02:02 am 1455328928
February 13th, 2016 at 01:59 pm 1455371953
February 13th, 2016 at 04:01 pm 1455379295