Nothing much happened yesterday. I am getting over a cold, and had mucus in my throat and a sinus headache. I took a generic Benedryl and it knocked me out. Not in a good way, though. I didn't fall completely asleep but just kind of went into a comatose state where I felt like my limbs were stuck in cement. It wasn't a refreshing nap.
Today I feel much better and I will stick to Mucinex.
The lasagna I made yesterday was really good, and I think I will get two more servings out of it. I had a bit more pasta than I thought. I really like the Greek yogurt filling, and this is how I will make lasagna from now on.
I didn't heat up the corn chowder for dinner, because by early evening I was in my out-of-it phase, and I just made myself a peanut butter sandwich.
My frugal activity of the day was to enter codes in MyCatPerks. I had five empty cat food bags, but only two codes were accepted. So irritating. It has happened before. I sent them a grouchy email with the codes that were rejected as "invalid" and asked them to credit my account. I'm only trying to get enough points to get a coupon, but having the system not work right is such a waste of time.
I haven't heard anything from the credit union about the new credit card, but maybe now that the holiday weekend is over, they'll get to it.
I have a committee meeting today (by phone) for my professional organization. I'm not the Treasurer any more, but I am staying on the program committee in order to keep in touch. Other things looming today -- I need to do a load of laundry -- my "reds" basket is full -- and I'd love to get out to see a movie since it is Senior Day. Maybe, on Thrift-o-rama's suggestion, I'll go see Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. I'm a big Jane Austen fan, and I like the fun satires on her work as well. Since I am doing well on my variables budget this month, I think I have enough for a movie ticket! Now if I could just figure out how to park free....
Today's Menu:
Breakfast: Granola w/ almond milk
Lunch: Corn chowder, biscuits
Dinner: Lasagna
An Uneventful Day
February 16th, 2016 at 02:36 pm
February 16th, 2016 at 02:40 pm 1455633611
Nothing much may have happened yesterday, but you have created a very nice life for yourself.
February 16th, 2016 at 05:56 pm 1455645360
February 17th, 2016 at 01:04 am 1455671057