Home > March Recap

March Recap

March 31st, 2016 at 11:42 pm

Housing - $677
Taxes - $472
Medical/Health - $246
Entertainment - $201
Gifts/Charity - $167
Utilities - $161
Groceries - $128
Vet/Pet Supplies - $103
Fees/Services - $67
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $67
Phone - $52
Vacation/Travel - $47
Clothing - $43
Personal - $32
Eating Out - $31
Household Supplies - $28
Gas - $23
Fares/Parking - $16
Laundry - $14
Grand Total - $2575

It was an expensive month -- dentist, subscription, haircut, state taxes, vet, even new boots! I spent 105% of my variables budget (still fine for the year, though).

Even though it's not crazy out of line, I hope that April will be more moderate.

1 Responses to “March Recap”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Here's to a moderate April!

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