Home > Day One Hundred Thirty-Nine

Day One Hundred Thirty-Nine

July 10th, 2016 at 04:02 pm

Calories: 1488

I spent $88 at PetSmart yesterday for cat food, fish food, and aquarium filters. Unfortunately, I did not see Laura's comment about the $10-off promotion before I did this. But I checked the website this morning, and I ordered 80 lbs. of kitty litter for a grand total of $29, which I think is pretty good. Hate to spend even more --- but, kitty litter is a need in this household, and I need to get it whenever I can get a deal.

My grandson's baseball game yesterday was the best yet! They won for the first time this season, and my grandson made the winning run! It was so exciting! There were also some really good plays that brought the crowd to their feet. Afterwards we all went out for frozen yogurt. My share was $7.

This morning I woke up to a house without power. It was eerily quiet -- no bubbling sound in the aquarium, no hum of air conditioners in the background. When I realized there would be no coffee for me unless I went out, I showered and drove to Steak N Shake, where I had a nice breakfast for $7. When I got home, the power was on. Whew! I would hate to lose what I have stockpiled in the freezer.

My variables spending is now at 61%. I have 17 days till payday, and I'm committed to three meals out! I'll just have to cut back on whatever else I can. Luckily, I'm pretty well-fixed for groceries.

Iggy is supposed to get his shots this month, but I'm going to wait. He is an indoor cat; there is no hurry. My vet/pet supplies budget is already seriously overloaded this month.

Today is just going to be a quiet day, puttering and reading. I'm reading a book on retirement called "Taking Retirement." It's a diary of a college professor who retired; just his thoughts and feelings as he went through the process. Some things really hit home for me, some not. When I'm done, I'll send it to my man friend; I think it will resonate more with his experience. He is teaching his last year and will retire in May.

2 Responses to “Day One Hundred Thirty-Nine”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Your book sounds interesting; since I just retired I may need to check it out. Hope our library has it.

    Glad your power came back on so you didn't lose what was in your fridge and freezer. Always a worry.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Glad you were able to get a good deal on the kitty litter! I didn't use the deal because I'd just bought a ton of litter/food from chewy . com using an AExpress deal. That category is defunct til August. Smile

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