And it was a success! The food was good, the company was good, and it seemed like everyone had a good time! The only bad thing is that I have so many leftovers. For instance, I have a whole loaf of bread that won't fit into the freezer. (And there are already three loaves in the freezer.) The freezer has been reorganized and it is packed like a puzzle, so I'm just going to have to eat that bread. Maybe I'll make croutons, which can be stored in a bag.
I had about five half-sandwiches left over. I wrapped them in foil and will eat them the next few days. There's also a lot of potato salad, which won't keep, so I'll have to eat that. Most of the fruit was eaten, and all of the chips, but I have a lot of baby carrots left. They will be no problem to use up, however.
My nephew brought two pies, so we didn't even touch the ice cream I bought. I have five containers. (I would say half-gallons, but I don't think they are true half-gallons any more.) I bought five because it was cheaper that way. Since I cannot have much ice cream at one time, it certainly will last a long time! Perhaps my grandchildren will help me.
I am really committed to NO food waste, so this will be a challenge.
I progressed a little in my mother's diary today, but not too much, since I had a lot of prep work to do. And for some reason, I had a headache all day, but it went away before the dinner guests came.
It seems that while my mother's previous boyfriend took her to restaurants and movies a lot, my father seems to be taking her to musical programs, especially big band groups. They do not eat out at fancy places, but at diners. She has already met his parents (my grandparents) after going out with him one month. She has also met his brother, my uncle who died so young, and who I do not remember. In all the time she went out with JB, she did not mention his family.
It is also clear that JB loved to drive her around, but my father comes to see her on the bus. Neither one of them has a car. They don't live in the same town, so clearly getting together requires some effort and planning.
I also find it interesting that she is spelling his name wrong. He has one of those names that can be spelled two different ways, and she has picked the wrong spelling. I'm going to see how long it takes her to get it right!
The Party's Over
March 18th, 2017 at 02:40 am
March 18th, 2017 at 05:00 am 1489813250
March 18th, 2017 at 02:08 pm 1489846098
March 19th, 2017 at 01:25 am 1489886752
As I have been following your posts about your mom's diary, I just started a book called "The Runaway Quilt" by Jennifer Chiaverini. One of the main characters finds a diary of a relative. As I am reading this, you immediately came to mind.
March 25th, 2017 at 02:31 am 1490409062
Glad the party went well!
March 25th, 2017 at 03:37 pm 1490456256