Home > Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend

May 27th, 2018 at 02:08 pm

It's a HOT Memorial Day weekend here in Chicagoland!

My grandson's games yesterday were very uncomfortable, and to make things worse, his team lost badly in both games. They were very discouraged.

The team went out to Culver's in between the games, where I spent $6 for a kid's meal. I still have the coupon for a free scoop of ice cream, which I'll get later.

I filled up the gas tank for the first time in Jane Honda. Even though I went to Sam's, it was still pretty high, $3.16 per gallon. The total cost was $31.

I picked up two freebies at Jewel -- some bottled water and a box of Fruit Loops.

Today I have scheduled two mystery shops, one at a big box electronics store, and one at a casual restaurant.

I've already done today's gym session. My air conditioners are not installed yet, so I'll be chillin' any way I can!

2 Responses to “Memorial Day Weekend”

  1. Butterscotch Says:

    I hope you get your air conditioners in early this year! It seems like you have to suffer through some high temps before they get installed each year. Stay cool!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Last year I waited until my windows were washed, which didn't happen till July because of rainouts! This year my windows were washed in May. I'm counting on my son installing my units today.

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