Home > A little spending; a little earning, and a freebie

A little spending; a little earning, and a freebie

June 1st, 2018 at 12:54 pm

I bought my younger grandson a kid-size, half-price shake yesterday ($1.65) while his brother played at graduation.

I also went to Aldi and spent $10.

Variables are at 12%.

I filed a class action claim for Bertolli olive oil, but I'm not sure how much I will get, or when.

I got an invitation from Chase to apply for another credit card -- $150 bonus for $500 in three months spending. That's a better deal than the one I already applied for, but I can't handle two bonus cards in the same period. I also got an offer from Citi for a $100 bonus after $500 spending.

I suppose I could just ignore the Wells Fargo card and take up one of the better deals instead, but I hate to mess with my credit rating. Taking out new credit cards to earn bonuses is an easy way to make money, but it also makes me nervous.

Today I have a mystery shop at a phone store. Then I'll get a free lunch at Panera, and at 4, I'll be taking care of the boys. That will involve taking them to baseball practice at 5:30. There will be a game at 7:45.

Not sure why I'm getting a free lunch from Panera, but they sent me an offer for a free "pick 2" lunch this week.

Looking forward to cooler weather today!

2 Responses to “A little spending; a little earning, and a freebie”

  1. Rose. Says:

    Free lunch is always good!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    A free lunch is good. We get something every so often from Panera. Last time it was a free cookie.

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