Home > Clothes Shopping

Clothes Shopping

June 11th, 2018 at 12:38 am

I did a last-minute mystery shop today, which involved checking out a clothing store, trying something on, buying it and then returning it. The top I tried on was $66! So shocking to look at retail prices, when I'm used to buying used clothing.

I would never pay $66 for a top.

I will net $20, which really isn't much for all the time I put into it, but I guess I wasn't doing anything else, anyway.

After GS2 took off on the bus for camp, I went to a local bakery with the rest of the family. Someone picked up my tab for a donut and coffee. Sweet! I thought that once I got home I would just go back to bed, because I had a really rough night, but I'm still going. I hope tonight will be better. I do usually get a good night's sleep after a bad one.

I just got my auto policy declarations for Jane Honda. Quite a jump in price! Not unexpected. But the actual bill has not come yet, though I think it's coming soon. I will put it on my new Wells Fargo card, to go toward earning that $200.

1 Responses to “Clothes Shopping”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    I had a talk with my buddies about our limits for spending on certain items. It was interesting. I think for teaching I buy sort of sturdy clothing; and I like to buy fun things (but not expensive) when I'm traveling or prepping to travel. Both my friends work in offices and manage people, so they spend more on clothes in general.

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