I just got back from the eye doctor. My eyes are dilated and I'm kind of bumbling around in sunglasses. But the good news is, my eye looks healthy, and he didn't see any tears or weak spots. He did advise me to ask my primary physician to set me up with a reference to a retina specialist, just in case. And if I start to see a shadow, or a shade coming down, I am to go to the ER.
The cost was $35.
I bought gas this morning for $30. Variables have now topped out at 101%. And I have six days to go.
I made penne with homemade Alfredo sauce and sauteed mushrooms for my grandsons today, and GS1 said it was the best meal he ever had! They both helped me put it together, and I think their contribution definitely influenced their evaluation!
Tomorrow is Music Lessons Day and Eat Out Day. They will choose the restaurant. My DIL will reimburse me.
I guess the haircut will have to be put off again, until after pay day. It doesn't really look too bad, it's just not holding its shape. I can weather another week with it. I've got enough food and everything else, so I think I can make it without adding to the variables total.
Eye Doctor
June 21st, 2018 at 12:24 am
June 21st, 2018 at 12:28 am 1529537293
June 21st, 2018 at 03:48 pm 1529592508
June 22nd, 2018 at 04:32 am 1529638361