Home > Quiet Day

Quiet Day

January 7th, 2019 at 02:58 pm

I spent a quiet day at home yesterday. I decided to not even go to the library, as I got so far along in my book, I might as well wait until I finish it and then go and get fresh reading. I will do that some time today.

I signed up to do a mystery shop today. It will only pay a $4 fee, but I will get a $10 reimbursement on an item in the store. It is a children's store, so it will be a gift for the gift stash.

Today is pizza day at the gym, so I may try to stop there at the appropriate time. I'm not sure whether I will be on grandma duty today. Usually DIL does not work on Monday, but since she has just come back from a vacation, she might feel the need to go in.

I watched the heartbreaker Bears game yesterday evening, and then the Golden Globes. I was pleased that Green Book got the recognition it did. And now I want to see Bohemian Rhapsody. I'm hoping my local theater will do an Oscar movie week this year, though it's looking like I've already seen some of the contenders this year (which is unusual!)

My Medicare supplement premium was withdrawn yesterday; that's the only financial news. Looks like they are back to withdrawing $26 after bumping it up to $27 last year. Woo-hoo! Savings!

1 Responses to “Quiet Day”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Don't spent all that Medicare savings in one place. LOL

    Hope the mystery shop is a success.

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