Home > He's Better!

He's Better!

March 28th, 2020 at 11:20 am

I talked to my son yesterday and he was feeling better. He had had a better night with only one episode of night sweats. In the morning, he had no fever. His chest is still constricted but overall he feels like he has turned a corner. I hope that continues today. I know this is a weird disease that goes up and down before it resolves. His wife and children are less affected than he is and they are doing well.

Thank you to all who expressed kindness and concern. I do so appreciate my friends here. I am feeling quite relieved!

My son's bosses have let up on him about getting tested. They seem to have finally understood that it's not something you can just order up. Their concern has been that they wanted to have proof of his condition before making decisions about what to do about the co-workers he has been in contact with. But those guys wouldn't be able to get tests, either, so they should just be released from work, in my opinion, till this is over. They will probably all get sick, as they work closely together when they are indoors.

On the home front, I am ironically wishing I had less social interaction! A neighbor is trying to pull me into an argument that she had no business starting. An distant acquaintance is trying to save my soul. I love to have contact with others while I am quarantined, but not as a pawn, or a recruit!

But I am also having a lot of good conversations with real friends, so I'm not really complaining.

I made a hamburger yesterday and froze most of the ground beef. There is still a chunk of it I did not freeze, and I'm going to make a small meatloaf out of that today. My hamburger was a little odd because I didn't have any buns, so used sourdough bread as a bun, and I used ranch dressing as a sauce. I thought it would be delicious, and it was fine, but not as good as I thought it would be. I'm going to have to continue to be creative in meal-making. There are some holes in my pantry and fridge, but I still hope to put off grocery shopping for two weeks.

I have no particular plans for today, other than making the meatloaf. What an odd feeling that is. I saw a public service announcement that said "Our parents were called to war. We are called to sit on the couch. We can do this." How true.

Edit: After reading this over, I want to make clear my conversations are by phone/text.

12 Responses to “He's Better!”

  1. Wink Says:

    So glad to hear your son is feeling better!

  2. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    glad he's doing better. I bet cases in the PNW are a lot more than reported. They haven't tested anyone in nursing facilities nor in areas that are suspected. I think that until they do they have no idea about real numbers.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Yay!! His immune system is working! A self limiting illness for most. I hope he continues to improve. I'm going to put a
    Text is link to a conversation with a doctor on the front lines in NY and Link is
    link to a conversation with a doctor on the front lines in NY who might give you some calm. What we will find in time (with hopefully antibody testing) is that millions of people will get this, but the rate of death will be similar to flu (slightly plus or minus). But we don't have the data yet to confirm that. We also cannot compare our nation to others as smoking rates, elderly populations, pollution, and health care systems are not equal.

  4. GratefulSaver Says:

    I am so very happy that your son is turning the corner!!! ((HUGS))

  5. MonkeyMama Says:

    Great News!

  6. Carol Says:

    So good to hear about your son!
    Yes on checking in with friends on the phone. I feel like a teenager again!( and no one yelling to get off the phone).

  7. Carol Says:

    CCF, that's an excellent video in your link! Thank you for sbaring!!

  8. Lucky Robin Says:

    I am glad you son is feeling better.

  9. Tammy Says:

    Glad your son is feeling better!

  10. mumof2 Says:

    so glad he is doing better

  11. terri77 Says:


  12. Dido Says:

    So glad he's turned the corner and prayers that he and his family continue to improve!

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