I ordered a gift from Amazon for a friend today - $18. I have one more gift to buy, for another friend. I have asked her if she has an Amazon list. There is another friend who usually sends a gift. I always wait for it to come before I reciprocate, because I just wouldn't mind if that exchange died out.
All my other gifts have come from Amazon. I have not ventured out to shop at all. Since my son is an employee of Amazon, I don't feel at all bad about using the company to the max. I do wish I could support local businesses, but I feel I have to stay inside as much as possible.
DIL has suggested some Christmas plans -- a movie on Christmas Eve at her house, gift opening at her house on Christmas morning, with open windows and masks., dinner at the home of DE (dear ex). I am in, and I will be taking all the precautions I can. I offered to make Bubble & Squeak for dinner and a rum cream pie for dessert. I'll have to engineer a curbside pickup for ingredients.
I haven't put up the tree yet. Maybe today.