Home > Happy New Years Eve!

Happy New Years Eve!

December 31st, 2020 at 04:35 pm

I won't be spending anything today, so I did my December recap, and my 2020 recap.


Gifts/Charity: $1068

Housing: $795

Vet/Pet Supplies: $310

Utilities: $178

Groceries: $168

Medical/Health: $106

Phone: $51

Laundry: $24

Furn/Equip/Decor: $19

Eating Out/Takeout: $16

Entertainment: $12

Grand Total: $2763



Housing: $9708

Home Repair/Maintenance: $5071

Gifts/Charity: $3893

Car Repair/Maintenance: $2181

Utilities: $2148

Medical/Health: $1842

Groceries: $1593

Furn/Equip/Decor: $1337

Vet/Pet Supplies: $1099

Taxes: $909

Insurance: $869

Phone: $612

Fees/Services: $560

Eating Out/Takeout: $537

Entertainment: $283

Household Supplies: $273

Laundry: $208

Clothing: $204

Gas: $202

Personal: $163

Fares/Parking: $3

Grand Total: $33,695

You want to hear something funny?  My grand total last year was $33,696!  Of course there was a big difference in the categories.  This year I spent a lot more on home repair, gifts (that was thrown off by donating my $1200 stimulus check to DIL's business), and car repair/maintenance.  I spent less on furnishings/equipment/decor, insurance (I think that is just a timing thing), eating out, clothing, gas, vacations and personal.

My net worth went up by almost $5K.  Another surprise.

Update:  I forgot to check my TIAA investments.  My net worth actually went up by $5700!

6 Responses to “Happy New Years Eve!”

  1. Wink Says:

    Happy New Year's Eve!

  2. My English Castle Says:

    Coming in under last year's budget! Very funny. Happy New Year, CB!

  3. Petunia 100 Says:

    For 2021, I am expecting to see you spent $33,694. Stick Out Tongue
    Happy New Year!

  4. Dido Says:

    Happy New Year! Wow, amazing that you spent almost exactly the same year over year!

  5. MonkeyMama Says:

    CB, can you update your sidebar now? It's been reported as "fixed" in the forums.

  6. CB in the City Says:

    Yes, it's fixed! I'm being very cautious about what I put there, though, in case I can't delete it.

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