Home > Aldi, and a Trip Coming Up

Aldi, and a Trip Coming Up

August 3rd, 2021 at 12:15 am

Made a quick trip to Aldi this morning, spending $32.  My county is a Delta variant hotspot, so masks are required in indoor public spaces.  I was pleased to see that everyone was wearing them in Aldi.

I'm planning to go see my brother in Michigan this weekend.  I feel a little bit creepy about traveling, but I am fully vaccinated, and I won't be stopping on the way, except at a gas station, perhaps.  And once there, I will mostly stay at my brother's, and we will spend a lot of time outside, weather permitting.  I am trying to get in touch with my friend who is a former teacher of mine -- we usually meet for lunch -- so far he has not answered, but I expect I will hear from him soon.  I asked him to suggest venues with outdoor seating.  Never hurts to be super cautious!

4 Responses to “Aldi, and a Trip Coming Up”

  1. Dido Says:

    Yes, even vaccinated, it doesn't hurt to be super-cautious. I find myself getting progressively more careful by the day as the Delta variant spreads and cases increase. I'm glad I took the chance to socialize a bit more in July, since I am finding myself less willing as the cases grow. But I'll still go into the grocery store--masked. About a third of the shoppers were masked when I was there yesterday.

    I hope you enjoy your time with your brother.

  2. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Have a great trip and stay safe!

  3. Wink Says:

    After feeling pretty comfortable going places without a mask before the Delta variant, I am now back to wearing one. I'm fully vaccinated, but the positivity rate in Maryland is slowly creeping back up. Better to be safe. Enjoy your trip!

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Hope your trip was fun.

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