I dawdled over my entry too long, and forgot to copy it, so it's lost. So now it's the short version.....
I have spent 90% of my variables, which is basically my spending allowance for the month. It's been a crazy beginning to the month. I won't go into all the details again, but I was involved in helping friends with a death in the family, and a lot of fallout from it. I wasn't home very much and that led to unusual spending patterns.
Things are back to normal again. The good part about the above is that the friends gave me a lot of groceries they couldn't use, and this will really help me get through the month.
I'm not done spending yet. Later today I'm going to see if I can get my cell phone fixed. The back is separating from the phone, which I think is due to a swollen battery. It can be fixed with a new battery, if that is indeed the problem. We shall see.