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October 10th, 2016 at 01:32 pm
My cold is still doing a number on me. But I'm going to work this morning. As a contract worker, I can leave whenever I want, so if I start feeling bad I can take off. The bad part is that the commute is at least an hour each way.
Extra-strength Tylenol is helping.
I felt pretty low yesterday, but even so, I went out to lunch with my grandsons and their other grandma, followed by GS2's soccer game. I think the diversion actually helped, but I felt really tired afterward. The cost of the lunch was $19. Variables spending is up to 47%.
I cleaned the fish tank yesterday, but none of the other tasks I was planning on. I watched all the episodes of Designated Survivor and basically lazed out on the couch.
One thing I wanted to do was try on all the too-small clothes in my bin, but I just wasn't up to it. I want to save that for a time I'm feeling good.
Well, time to go. I have my lunch packed, my gym clothes packed, and the garbage bagged up to toss on the way. Wish me luck on my trip down the stairs!
Posted in
October 8th, 2016 at 08:44 pm
Well, I thought I had a slight cold, and I thought it was mostly over, but today it is full-blown, and I realize it was just getting started.
Ibuprofen would help, but my doctor has banned it for me because of my kidneys. I bought some acetaminophen; we'll see if it does any good. I haven't had much luck with Tylenol in the past. I did take some generic Benedryl.
It probably didn't help, also, to sit outside on a cold day to watch my grandson's baseball game, but I did it anyway.
After the game I stopped at PetSmart ($12) and Aldi ($21). I got $24 worth of cat food at PetSmart with coupons. At Aldi I got: croutons, bacon bits, spring mix, Greek yogurt, mushrooms, 2 bottles of dressing, a whole chicken, ice cream, and the acetaminophen.
My variables spending is up to 45%.
I have to bear in mind that working will drive up my costs somewhat (especially gas), and I won't even turn in my invoice until the job is done. So I may seem to be spending more, but the eventual extra income will more than make up for it.
I put in 20 hours this week, which seems about right. If I continue working at the same pace, I'll fulfill the contract in four more weeks.
While I was at the baseball field, I stopped in at the adjacent senior center to go to the bathroom. They had a display of books to give away, so I grabbed one! It is a historical novel by Sharon Kay Penman, whom I have enjoyed in the past.
I did a load of laundry ($1.50) before I left for the game.
I still need to go to the gym, but I think I'm going to rest for a while first; maybe even nap. Thank goodness for weekends! Can't wait till all my days are weekends again!
Posted in
October 8th, 2016 at 01:21 am
It's tough going back to work after so many months of leisure!
But I only worked 4 hours today. I left early to get a bone density test.
Spending today was $1.21 for coffee and $23 for gas. Also had to pay $3.50 to park at the hospital.
I'm proud to say that even though I've gone back to work, I haven't missed a day at the gym all week. And I brown-bagged it every day.
I've been unofficially keeping a calorie count in my head, and I'm still eating in the 1400-1600 range every day.
Looking forward to a fun and relaxing weekend.
Posted in
October 7th, 2016 at 01:14 am
I didn't have the greatest day today. But it was a low-spend day, only $1 for coffee. I should have brought it from home, I know, but when I did that yesterday, it leaked into my lunch bag, even though I had it in a tightly-closed thermos. I didn't feel like trying it again today.
I worked six hours today, and spent 3 more in heavy traffic both ways. This evening it was heavy traffic and rain.
I went to the gym when I got back in town; then I came home to find my computer not working, the internet taking a break. I was under the gun to get a document sent, so I was very upset that it wasn't working. Finally did it with the old unplug the router trick. I hate being so dependent on technology! Yesterday I thought I had lost my phone (it was in my car) and my panic was through the roof.
I called my insurance company today and finally got an answer -- orthotics are covered, though only 80%. So I made an appointment with my podiatrist next week. I'm sure it will be a big out-of-pocket expense that will make me unhappy. But maybe it will make my feet happy.
I have a bone density test tomorrow. I hope this doesn't bring on a whole new rash of appointments and problems. I am caught up on everything else, except for actually getting fitted with the orthotics and finishing my physical therapy. I even got my flu shot while I was at the doctor's.
Tomorrow's Friday! I'm so looking forward to the weekend.
Posted in
October 6th, 2016 at 02:39 am
What a busy day it was. I worked three hours this morning, then drove home and went to Planet Fitness. Then I went to physical therapy, then I grocery-shopped, and then went to the doctor, and then to the pharmacy. I feel like I've been running nonstop. I also did a load of laundry after I finally came home for good.
There is bad news and good news. The good news is that my doctor did not want to discuss diabetes. The bad news is that my kidneys are starting to function less efficiently, and I have inflammation. He wanted to put me back on a statin, even though my cholesterol numbers are acceptable. He put me on generic Crestor, which is still expensive -- it will be $44 per month. But it is the one least likely to cause the muscle spasms that bothered me so much at night.
So my spending today included the $44 for the prescription, as well as $29 at the grocery and $4 for parking. I shopped at Jewel and bought ten items: dishwasher detergent, creamer, shredded cheese, almond milk, eggs, a package of frozen pasta & peas, strawberries, a package of fresh melon pieces, a package of cut-up veggies, and sourdough bread.
Variables spending is already at 37%, and I have three full weeks to go. I'm discouraged.
Posted in
October 4th, 2016 at 09:03 pm
I set the alarm for 5AM because I had to be at the podiatrist's at 7 (and he's a half-hour away.) Before that alarm went off, I didn't sleep well at all, so I woke up feeling awful. But I pushed on, got to the doctor, and then I was on my way to work before 8. Since I was farther north and west than usual, Google maps directed me on to 90-94, which was JAMMED! It was the worst commute I've ever experienced. I should have just gone back home and headed down Lake Shore Drive; I'll bet it would have cut my time in half.
I got to work at 9:30. As I worked, I felt worse and worse instead of better. Finally, at 1:30, I gave up and headed home. I feel bad because I feel like I'm letting down the person I'm trying to help. I'm sure she thinks I'm a slacker.
I have two more appointments tomorrow. One is physical therapy and the other is a followup on my labs. My doctor wants to talk with me, but he hasn't indicated why. I assume it's because my cholesterol shot up without the aid of a statin. But I'm also afraid that my sugar reading was too high, and the family curse of diabetes may be kicking in. I'm trying so hard to be healthy, but I seem to be going in the opposite direction.
I'm hoping a good night's sleep will make a big difference in how I feel.
The podiatrist cost another $50 co-pay. This is going to add up. What I need to do now is call my insurance company to see if they will cover the cost of custom orthotics. If not, he will fit me with pre-made ones the best he can. So at least there is an end in sight. I have to say, with his treatment and suggestions, my foot is feeling much better.
I need to do laundry and exercise and do some grocery shopping but none of that is going to happen today.
Posted in
October 4th, 2016 at 12:14 am
First day of work was fine and dandy. Had a nice, easy commute in. Found .27 in the parking garage. My boss gave me a .50 coupon for coffee, so I only paid .44 out of pocket! But tomorrow I'll try to take in my own coffee.
There were some glitches getting set up at first, and I was a little hazy about some of the things I have to do (it's been 10 months since I did this work!) But it's coming back; I think I will be able to pick up my pace tomorrow.
After work I went straight to Planet Fitness and did my strength training and treadmill. Then I picked up my free dinner, since it was pizza day.
I learned that my contract is for only $2,000, or 100 hours. While this is disappointing in terms of paying off my car repair, I'm actually glad I don't have to put in too many hours. I was picturing a scenario like last year, when I was cramming in work before the end of the year in order to fulfill my contract. This will be much better.
I'm going to just have to rebuild my savings the old-fashioned way -- little economies, mindfulness, and careful management. I can do it.
Now I'm going to lay out tomorrow's outfit and pack my lunch. I have a 7am doctor's appointment before work so it's going to be a long day. I'll turn in early, but first I'm going to watch last night's episode of Poldark!
Posted in
October 2nd, 2016 at 04:38 pm
It was a sobering month. Since I've retired, I've gone happily along, paying my bills and kind of patting myself on the back for managing so well. But all along I've had luck on my side. In September I did not have luck on my side.
I've already reported that total spending was $7840. Here is how it broke down, along with some commentary.
Car Repair: $4798. Transmission, brakes, computer, wiper, and an oil change. I think there were a few other things, but I'm not going to look it up.
Housing: $1355. I paid my mortgage twice, because I didn't want to forget and miss it while I was in Florida. The assessment fees happened to hit twice this month. It is always withdrawn some time around pay day, so it is likely to hit on either side.
Vacation/Travel: $549. This does not include all of the Florida trip, since some of its costs occurred after pay day. It does include the little trip I made to Indiana to visit BFF.
Medical/Health: $322. Includes a dentist visit (with x-rays), a podiatrist visit, a prescription and my medical premium. And my Planet Fitness fee.
Utilities: $154. Pretty typical, though electricity was a bit higher, reflecting the use of AC.
Gifts/Charity: $143. A birthday, various donations, pre-Christmas shopping, and postage for mailing books to my sister.
Groceries: $112. The one category where I did very well.
Fares/Parking: $79. $40 went on my CTA transit card, which should last me a long time. It also includes my train fare to go pick up my car, and various parking fees.
Business: $60. The cost of a professional networking workshop.
Phone: $52. Standard.
Gas: $44. This will go up when I start commuting again.
Vet/Pet Supplies: $38
Clothing: $34. Various items bought at Goodwill -- smaller sizes, clothing for the cruise coming up.
Eating Out: $33. All small events. Biggest expenditure was lunch with a friend at a Chinese restaurant.
Personal: $27. Haircut & feminine hygiene.
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $18. Mostly decor and utensils for the house, all bought at Goodwill.
Laundry: $18
Entertainment: $4. Books from Goodwill.
I think October can be a very low-spend month, if I can avoid more bad luck. The mortgage is already paid, and so are the assessment fees. I did have to pay my condo insurance, but it is only $179.
I just bought some gas for $20.
I have a soccer game to go to, but otherwise it will be a day of rest and catch-up. I'm going to make a shepherd's pie from leftovers, since it's nice and cool and perfect for baking. I'm going to get my outfit ready for tomorrow and plan my packed lunch. I have a load of laundry to do.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
Posted in
October 1st, 2016 at 05:15 pm
Oy, just lost a big entry!
So here it is in a nutshell. I'm back. I spent about $600. My spending this month was $7840. I've got some rebuilding to do in savings, but I'm very grateful that a month like this doesn't throw me into debt the way it used to.
I had a great time, though it wore me out. Florida grandkids have endless energy.
Work starts on Monday.
Today I'm going to help out at GS2's birthday party, tomorrow I'm going to REST!
So far behind in calorie counting ... I think I've internalized some good habits and I'm not going to announce my counts any more (though I will still keep an informal count for myself). Still expect to lose weight and I will keep you updated on that.
Posted in
September 24th, 2016 at 03:38 pm
Calories: 1566
In a few minutes I have to leave for a baseball game. I've already been to the gym and the grocery store. I spent $34 at Food4Less for 9 items: crackers, pantiliners, kitty litter, cat chow, canned mushroom soup, frozen green pepper, 2 packages of muffins, and one box of nut bars. The nut bars are for my travels; the muffins, thinking ahead to work days (I'll freeze them).
After the game, we will hold my grandson's birthday party at the park. I got him a stack of books he can read by himself. He won't be excited, but I'm also providing gift receipts, so they can be exchanged if they are not quite right. I still need to get a birthday card -- also one for my cousin, whose birthday is Monday.
I reserved a taxi for tomorrow morning -- it will be $42 to go to the airport (including tip). I'll have to make sure I have the right cash, though I think this taxi service will accept a credit card.
I have to finish packing, clean the litter box, clean the fish tank, vacuum and take out the trash. So much work involved in travel.
I talked to my son yesterday, and he said my DIL will pick me up at the airport. I probably won't see him at all, unless he is able to finish his project early.
I really hate the day before travel -- does anyone else feel this way?
I probably won't be checking in while in Florida, so this is good-bye for a while!
Posted in
September 23rd, 2016 at 04:48 pm
Calories: 1333
My visit to the podiatrist was very productive. He gave me a removable pad to wear on the bottom of my foot to both pad the corn and correct my gait. He assigned some calf-stretching exercises. He also instructed me to take ibuprofen 3X a day -- three tablets at a time -- for 3 days. And ice my foot each evening. He wants to wipe out all inflammation to see where we stand then. Needless to say, my foot feels better -- and so does my hip and and my knee, and everything else that hurt even a little! 
He said that surgery is off the table -- it won't help. But I will probably get orthotics. He wants to see me in a week, but I'll be in Florida -- and then he's out of the office from Friday-Monday -- so the appointment was made for October 4. I made it for 7AM so I can go from there to work!
My co-pay was $50. I've hemorrhaged so much money this month it really doesn't matter.
This morning, after the gym, I went and got my labs done. I'm ticking off as much of the medical stuff as I can before work starts. I think the labs will be covered by my Medicare supplement.
Does anyone here use Uber? I have downloaded the app but never used it. Can you schedule a ride ahead of time? I don't want to fool around and get to the airport late. I'm wondering if I should just go ahead and schedule a taxi.
Posted in
September 22nd, 2016 at 03:20 pm
Calories: 1534
In a couple of hours I am going to the podiatrist -- first visit. I am going to have him look at my corn (which I've had for more than a year now) and I want to discuss the pain I have on the ball of my foot and in my toes. It is the same foot that was wrenched when my ankle broke, and I suspect it is all related.
Tomorrow I'm getting my labs done. I've also made appointments for physical therapy - pelvic issues. My PT appointments are on Wednesday and Friday afternoons, so I am going to set up my work schedule to have Wednesday and Friday afternoons free. I'll make any upcoming appointments on those days. I do still need to make a follow-up appointment with my primary physician, but that's in 3-4 months.
It will be interesting to see how much is covered by Medicare and my supplement. So far I have paid nothing out of pocket except a couple of $15 co-pays since I've been on Medicare.
It's supposed to be hot today, but so far it is not bad, and I just have the fans going.
I've decided what clothes to take to Florida and have them set aside to pack. I can't take the suitcase out until the last minute because my cats give me the evil eye.
Posted in
September 21st, 2016 at 03:44 pm
Calories: 1459
It's raining. It matches my mood. I'm feeling down. I think I'm worrying about money, and at the same time worrying about getting back to work and keeping that kind of schedule.
I elected to drive in and use the on-site workspace, rather than try to do it remotely. Remote didn't work well last time, what with the clunky equipment they provided and the weak connection. Also, this time I will be working in the same area as the other researcher, who will be a great resource when I have questions and problems. I will be able to work a lot more efficiently.
Of course, going in means using more gas, tying up time on the commute, having to pack food, etc. etc. etc.
I'm also going to have to figure out how to fit in Planet Fitness. I think I'm just going to have to go in the evening after I get home. I'm glad they're open all the time.
I would say I'm glad I have a vacation in Florida coming up, but I don't think I'll do much relaxing, what with caring for two little ones. My DIL will be there, but the idea is to take the burden off her....
See, I'm just in a sad, whiny mood. I'm going to work on getting out of it!
Posted in
September 20th, 2016 at 09:12 pm
Calories: 1632
Oy Vay! What a day!
Actually, it started last night. I went to election judge training. Everyone was nice, but we were packed into a FREEZING room, and information was just thrown at us, nonstop. Turns out there is MUCH to do, many steps to remember, and a lot of technology to master. Half the time I felt I didn't know what they were talking about. I wish they had explained a little more about the "why" and not just the "what." I can retain instructions better if I understand the purpose.
But I do have a big manual that explains everything, step by step, so I should be okay on the day, especially if I am teamed with someone who has done it before.
I'll have to help with set-up the night before, so it is more than a one-day thing. And I'll have to be there before 6am, to help get everything ready, and stay till after 7pm -- probably an hour after the polls close, to do all the necessary paperwork and packing up. It will earn me $195, but I don't think it will be easy money.
I won't know where I am assigned until I get a letter in the mail. I hope it's at my own polling place, but there's no telling.
So, anyway, at break time I was DYING for something to drink (something wet, not alcoholic!) I spent $1.25 for a diet coke, which I just about had to wrestle out of the vending machine.
That was just the beginning of my spending.
This morning I went to the gym as usual, but the sound in the back of the car was worse. I decided to go to Firestone after my workout -- to get the tires rotated, as I was planning, and to have the mechanic take a look at the back brakes.
Yeah, I've spent another $423 on the car. I am dealing with it this way -- this car was almost trouble-free for many years. It's been paid off since 2006, and I've enjoyed the luxury of having very little car expense. Now, all the repairs seem to be coming at once. I am paying my dues now for all those carefree years.
So I was sitting at Firestone, dressed in my stinky sweats, waiting to get the car back. I had my museum appointment coming up, and it started to look like I wasn't going to make it on time. I emailed my boss, but she didn't reply. The car was finally ready at the last possible minute. I drove home, pulled on some clean clothes, and drove to the museum, pulling into the parking garage at the exact moment I was supposed to be there.
My boss had been in a meeting, but I saw later that she DID reply -- just not before I had started my mad dash.
We had a good talk. I'm going to get my contract renewed. I'll start on October 3, and it sounds like I could work full-time till the end of the year if I want. They are that backed up and desperate for help. Once I get started, I'll see how the work goes and figure out how much time I want to devote to it.
I'll be working with the new researcher, and I could tell just from our few moments together that we will get along very well.
I spent $9 on breakfast and lunch, because of all this running around. Then I gave $10 to a homeless man! I know, crazy. I was just feeling grateful that I had the money to take care of all this expense, and I had the urge to help someone else.
I have used up all but $15 of the surplus I had in my variables budget, plus I'm taking almost $5K out of savings. Unbelievable month. May I not have another one like this for a long time!
Posted in
September 19th, 2016 at 04:12 pm
Calories: 1454
Dang it, more car trouble? When I brake, I hear a gentle, rhythmic, thump-thump-thump in the back. I'll have to get it checked out, but I would like to wait until after the Florida trip.
I was confused about my days; my election judge training actually takes place tonight.
When I get done with this, I will add 1.26 to my snowflakes -- $1.25 for a free MyMixx item (Starbucks Refresher) and .01 found money.
Someone abandoned a basket of laundry in our laundry room about three months ago. It has sat there undisturbed all this time. Yesterday I decided it must be truly abandoned; that no one is ever coming back for it -- so I decided to re-wash it and donate the contents.
Would you believe there was a pair of workout pants in there? Very nice Nike pants. However, I believe they are too long for me, so I will probably donate them. What I will keep, however, are a couple of towels and a cat bed and a North Face fleece pullover -- which is also too big, and not at all new, but it will be good for layering this winter.
I hope this isn't the wrong thing to do -- I just can't see leaving it there to be ruined eventually.
I went to my grandson's soccer game yesterday. It looked like he started out enthusiastically and then just checked out. Turns out someone on his team had said something mean to him. Poor heart, he is so sensitive, and as I have said, not at all athletic. I just can't bear how kids can be so mean. And always to the nicest ones.
Posted in
September 18th, 2016 at 01:30 pm
Calories: 1607
I didn't get to the gym until late in the day yesterday, but I felt so much better once I did.
No spending yesterday.
This evening I go for training to be an election judge. It lasts four hours! The location is in a neighboring suburb, so I'll have to figure out the best way to get there. Driving, probably. I hope there is free parking. There was no training scheduled in my own suburb.
I will get paid for training, but it will be rolled up in my payment on election day. All together the payment is $195. The payment for training is $45. Apparently, some people work without getting trained. Maybe because they've done it a lot already?
Next year, after I see how this goes, I may apply to be an Election Coordinator. They get paid $500.
Have to do laundry today. I have a shortage of workout clothing, particularly pants. I need to get some sweats or yoga pants, but obviously, this is not the time, financially, to do that.
I would also like to get a pair of black clogs. I have black loafers that have served me well, but now they hurt the back of my heel for some reason. Increasingly, I like clogs because they will not hurt my heel -- and they usually have a nice wide box, so they don't aggravate my corn.
This, too, is something I have to wait for.
10 days until pay day (which will occur while I am in Florida). There will be more spending before then. I will have to Uber to the airport, and I've decided to pay $25 for my larger suitcase. That way I can haul along the clothing I've collected for the kids, as well as have room to pack a change of clothing every day. I don't want to be worrying about laundry when I'm taking care of two little ones. That will be challenging enough.
I'll probably be buying food at the airport as well, simply because I will start my day at 5 am and will arrive in Florida at 3 pm. Don't think I can carry enough food to cover that time span.
On Tuesday I start at the museum, so I am entering a busy time. I plan to do some relaxing today.
Posted in
September 17th, 2016 at 07:39 pm
Calories: 1370
I finally heard from the museum yesterday. My boss' daughter had been in a serious car accident, and that was the reason she did not get back to me, or respond to my emails.
I asked how she was doing, and she said getting better. Sounds like it was bad, and she didn't want to talk about it.
Anyway, I'm going in on Tuesday to talk about what needs to be done. I told her I am unavailable the last week in September, and she said that was no problem.
So whew, yes, I will make a little extra money.
I spent $45 yesterday for a fundraiser for my grandsons' school. The parents have shelled out so much for various fees and expenses; I felt like this was the least I could do.
I attended a baseball game last night and this morning -- both wins, and both times my grandson was chosen MVP! He is getting really good. This morning the coach called out to my son, "I love your kid! He's all business!"
Tomorrow it is soccer with my younger grandson. This will be a different story. As my DIL says, he's there for the outfit, snacks, and socializing. This one will never be an athlete, but he is a great kid -- very caring, kind and sensitive -- all traits so much more important than athleticism.
I have yet to go to the gym today, so that will get done later.
Variables now 144%. Auuuggghhh!
Posted in
September 16th, 2016 at 05:00 pm
Calories: 1362
I'm home from the gym, and from shopping at Aldi. I spent $25 and got my ten items: spinach, ground beef, corn muffin mix, ice cream, frozen asparagus, honey wheat bread, granola, canned biscuits, canned mushrooms, and white baking chips.
I got 5 lbs. of ground beef for 1.99 per lb. It is only 80% lean, but I will cook it off and drain it. Cooking and freezing it in batches will be one of my chores today.
This morning I made some peanut soup to have later. Yesterday I made chicken taco meat, and chicken barbecue, using up the remainder of two huge split chicken breasts I baked off the day before. Then I boiled the bones and scraps, creating the broth that went into today's peanut soup. Suddenly I have a lot of food on hand; I'll have to decide what to eat and what to freeze.
GS1 is playing baseball this evening and tomorrow morning. GS2 is having a Tae Kwan Do class after school, but now that the class has been moved to the school, I'm not sure if spectators are welcome any more. Anyway, my entertainment is set.
Posted in
September 16th, 2016 at 01:58 pm
What fun! I'll do a second post today about calories and such. Many of these things you know if you're a reader....
1. I retired in 2015.
2. I was married for 14 years, and I've been divorced for 32 years. (Wow!)
3. I have two grown sons, both married. I have four grandchildren, ages 9-1.
4. I love animals, and I've had many dogs and cats through the years. Now I have two cats, Mystery and Enigma (Iggy).
5. I work post-retirement as a consultant, but my one client, a major museum, hands out work sparingly and unpredictably.
6. I have traveled outside the US only once - to Canada, and I'm dying to change that.
7. I am working on a novel, but right now I am stalled, and avoiding the whole idea.
8. I enjoy cooking, especially using up leftovers in a new way, and avoiding waste.
9. I am an avid reader.
10. I am a recent convert to working out; I go to the gym almost every day.
11. I have met two fellow bloggers, and would love to meet more!
12. Sometimes I don't read very thoroughly and I just realized this list was supposed to have 20 items!
13. I was an English major in college and then earned an MLIS (Masters of Library and Information Science).
14. I was a librarian for about 20 years, then switched to the research arm of development (i.e. fundraising).
15. I received an award for alerting development officers to a donor who gave us a $4M lead gift.
16. Last year I stepped down from 10 years of service on the board of my professional organization.
17. My good-bye gift was a scholarship established in my name for professional development for young researchers.
18. I really like to make things last -- my current ride is 15 years old, and I plan to make it last three more years.
19. Even though I am divorced, I have a cordial relationship with my ex, and see him at many family gatherings and holidays.
20. I was born in Indiana, grew up in Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan, and am now a happy resident of a Chicago suburb famous for mansions, education, and temperance!
Posted in
September 15th, 2016 at 03:58 pm
Calories: 1076
Very low calorie day without much pain & sorrow. Makes up for the day before.
After the gym workout this morning, I stopped at PetSmart and got cat food and fish food. I used $8.50 worth of coupons, and total spent was $21.
I've not taken the statin for two days now, and I can feel the difference already. I still have pain if I squeeze my thighs, but there is none of the buzzy, throbbing pain that was there even when I was just lying down. I am very hopeful that I have found my solution. However, I know that I am one of those people with inherited cholesterol problems, so I am sure that labs will show high cholesterol and a need to find another statin. My doctor says there are others out there that won't do this to me.
Diet and exercise does not help my cholesterol problem. I've been down that road already.
I started taking the Pepcid prescription yesterday. I don't have acid reflux more than a couple times a week, but it's uncomfortable when it happens. I haven't been able to tie it with any dietary habits. I'm pretty sure I won't have any symptoms at all while taking Pepcid.
Now I need to start scheduling appointments -- labs, podiatrist, physical therapist. Sigh. Plus my doctor wants to see me again in 3-4 months.
The museum is still leaving me hanging, so I'm just going to proceed as if I haven't been asked to work. I can't just put my life on hold while they get their act together. (I think I've said this before!)
Posted in
September 14th, 2016 at 05:40 pm
Calories: 2227
It was a good day -- just not calorie-wise or financially!
Calories were not too bad until I succumbed to ice cream after dinner. Can't even explain why I did it, except that it sounded good and I wanted it.
Financially -- I expected there would be a lot of spending. I spent $14 for two meals out, so that was not bad, but the dentist cost $235, even with the senior discount. I was due for x-rays. No problems were spotted, and I got a pat on the back for good dental care. After the dentist, I went to a fundraiser the College was holding, and the cover charge was $10. I bought a $2 drink while there. I paid $26 for gas and the oil change cost $69. That did include a new rear wiper, but the rest was the oil and the labor and topping off fluids.
I was advised that I should rotate my tires, but when they attempted it, one of the bolts was too stubborn to loosen. They didn't want to risk breaking it, so they recommended that I go to a tire shop and have it done. If the bolt breaks there, they have the equipment to fix it. So that's another thing to do.
Today I filled a prescription - $10.
So here is the bad news. My variables spending is 132%. That includes everything except the bill for the $4K+ car repair I had done in Indiana. However, because I have often come in under budget, I'm still in the black overall. I have a surplus of $193.
This kind of month will happen now and then and I'm not worried. I'm sure I can rack up another few under-budget months this year.
I had a lot of fun yesterday visiting with old friends, but today I'm really looking forward to being quiet and lazy!
Posted in
September 13th, 2016 at 04:00 pm
Calories: 1374
The doctor's appointment went well, I'm going to follow up on a lot of things we talked about -- foot problems (I'll see a podiatrist), GERD (going to read up, plus fill a prescription), urge incontinence (will see a physical therapist), and muscle spasms in my legs (will take a break from my statin; perhaps switch to another). I'm going to get a bone density test, which I've neglected to do for too long -- it just kind of fell off my map. I also got my second pneumococcal vaccine.
My weight was only about 7 pounds less than it was last year. Two reasons, I think -- I gained during the year (hence, couldn't fit into my pants) before starting the diet, and I have probably built up some heavier muscle in the last few months. It was discouraging to hear, but I won't be swayed from my course. I know I am doing the best I can. (Oh, I forgot the other reason -- NO FRICKIN' METABOLISM!) Okay, I feel better now. Whew.
I had to pay $2 for a parking place, but found .14 as I walked to the medical building. One dime and four pennies, all in different places. I also spent $1.50 on laundry yesterday.
Today I'm heading to my old work town, where I will see my dentist, see some old friends, and get an oil change. And fill the gas tank. I will have to buy lunch, maybe dinner, too, if the day gets long. I will try to be frugal.
I've already been to the gym, and I had my free bagel breakfast. And orange juice. Life is good.
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September 12th, 2016 at 01:13 pm
Calories: 1302
I knew I had a doctor's appointment today, and I had it in my head that it was 9 am. So I had it in my head to wake up early, so I could go to the gym beforehand.
I woke up at 6, got up, got my coffee, and looked at my calendar. My appointment is at 6pm!
Besides that, I don't want to go to the gym until later, because it's pizza day! I'll aim to arrive there at 5. With any luck, I'll get the pizza AND get to the doctor's on time.
My Discover payment cycle closed today, so I paid it, just to get that pain out of the way. $4771 payment, which includes that big repair bill. I took it from my e-fund. The good news is that I earned $49 in cashback savings.
I only ate two meals yesterday, so I never made the shepherd's pie. Hope to get that done today, as well as at least one load of laundry.
Posted in
September 11th, 2016 at 05:08 pm
Calories: 1465
After the gym this morning, I stopped at Jewel for some groceries. I specifically wanted to pick up another MyMixx deal -- free Yoplait. Only .88 value this time, but free food nonetheless. While I was there I bought nine more items: turmeric, chicken breasts, tuna, sugar-free drink, mayonnaise, crescent rolls, frozen pizza, frozen mixed spring vegetables. $21. Everything I bought was on sale, except for the turmeric.
Going to GS2's soccer game later in the day. The weather is lovely; it will be nice. Yesterday's baseball game took place right while a storm developed and wind was gusting. They finished the game, but I took GS2 home and thus missed the end myself. Too bad, since our team won, and GS1 made a double play.
One thing that the focus group reminded me about was that I will have to take a required minimum distribution from my 403b when I turn 70 1/2. (Not for a few years). Right now I am taking interest only. It sounds like I have to take the required distribution out of the principal, so it would be in addition to the interest payment -- in short, I will be getting more income than I had realized. I knew I would eventually need to draw down from the principal, but forgot that it was a requirement. With my SS payment going up at age 70, and the RMD coming in, that will be a nice income boost.
Yesterday I made fried rice out of leftovers, which yielded two servings. (I'll eat the second one today.) Today I'm going to use up leftovers to make shepherd's pie, which should serve for a few more meals. And tomorrow, it's free pizza at Planet Fitness! Yay!
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September 10th, 2016 at 02:47 pm
Calories: 1405
It's really cooled off a lot! Love the fresh feeling!
I'm going to a baseball game this morning, my grandson's first "fall ball" game. This is the fourth league he's been in. He's really stuck with baseball, and I'm proud of him!
Yesterday was a no-spend day.
I added my Chase account to my Discover profile so I can pay the upcoming big bill directly from my e-fund. Since the bill will be too big for my slush fund.
I've just returned from the gym, where I did the bicycle and abs. I forgot to bring my headphones, but I did okay just watching the captions on the TV's.
Next week is a busy week. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday -- my annual. They will weigh me there, so I will finally know how much I have lost. I already know I will be disappointed, so I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm wearing a smaller size and feeling better -- that I am making progress, however slow.
Then on Tuesday I have a dentist's appointment, which is in my old town. While I am there, I will stop in at the College to see old friends. I'm going to try to arrange lunch out with one of them. While I'm there I'm also going to get my oil changed. I have an $8 coupon from Jiffy Lube, and there is a Jiffy Lube there which I've used before and liked.
Tomorrow there is a soccer game -- GS2's first one. And then two baseball games next weekend.
Guess that's it!
Posted in
September 9th, 2016 at 05:18 pm
Calories: 1396
I woke up late this morning -- 8:30! Scandalous! I had a leisurely coffee and then went to the gym, then went to the library to return materials.
Now I have an egg casserole in the oven which will serve as brunch -- two eggs, a slice of cubed bread, a little milk, 1/2 cup of cheese, 1 Tbsp. bacon bits, and one cooked asparagus spear, cut into into pieces. I think it will be delicious!
I spent a gob more money yesterday, and I'm feeling a little blue about it. Not that it could be helped. My son in Florida called and asked if I could come and help out with the kids while he is traveling the last week of September. The airline ticket cost $388. The good news is, it flies right into Gainesville, so there will be no car rental or ground transportation. I will bring only carry-on luggage, so there will be no extra baggage fee.
I am very excited to see the grandchildren. But it came at the wrong time, just when I am already so bummed out about the car repair expense.
Also, after dangling the possibility of work in front of me, the museum has been silent. No answer to my inquiring email. So I think I may not have extra income after all.
It's not like I don't have an emergency fund. I have a HUGE emergency fund. It's just that when it goes, it goes. My budget is too tight to recover from a big expenditure very quickly.
Well, I'll continue to save in all the little ways I can. I did get a Pine Cone survey last night, so that $3 is a start. And I am scheduled for training to serve as an election judge, and that will be $195 on election day. I think I heard that training is paid, too, but I can't find any verification on that. And of course I just got the $175 for the focus group. Sure wish I had won the drawing for the extra $75! I was just one digit off!
The weather is cooler today, and I have the windows open and a nice breeze coming in. I'll try to be even more conservative about using the AC as the summer winds down.
Posted in
September 8th, 2016 at 03:39 pm
Calories: 1600
Woohee! Two hundred days! Really, it's just the beginning of the rest of my life.
Yesterday I wore my "new" capris in a smaller size, which felt really good. I put away a few more big things in my Goodwill donation bag. This is slow, but I'm getting there.
The focus group was really interesting! We talked about retirement, retirement products, and different ways to access your retirement money. More men than women. Most of the group seemed to be much more heavily invested in their retirement funds -- but I'll bet they're not as good with frugal living as I am!
It was nice to get an envelope of cash at the end of the session -- it makes me feel rich! And they offered sandwiches prior to the session -- I had a veggie sandwich with goat cheese and tomato. Yummy. Cookies, too, but I passed on those, as my calories were already up there.
I was nervous about parking -- I used SpotHero for the first time, and I wasn't sure how it worked or whether I would mess it up somehow. It worked great, and I got a $3 discount for using it. The only problem I had was that I arrived too early for my reservation time, so I had to drive around downtown Chicago for about 20 minutes. Good experience, I guess! I left early on purpose because it was rush hour, but the roads were clear and I was way early.
I just returned from the gym, stopping on the way home at the post office to mail my grandson's birthday package. His birthday is on Sunday, and, to get it there on Saturday, it would have cost more than $40. I opted to send it for $11 and let it be late. I'll text my son to make sure he knows it's on the way and GS hasn't been forgotten.
I did two loads of laundry yesterday for $3. It seems like I'm doing more laundry lately, and I think it is because going to gym is generating more dirty clothes. But it's certainly worth it, for the benefits.
While it is supposed to be cooler today, it still feels hot and sticky outside. I'm keeping my air on. We're supposed to get a break tomorrow, which will be most welcome!
Posted in
September 7th, 2016 at 03:10 pm
Calories: 1572
Just got back from the gym -- recumbent bike & abs.
I heard from the company that's running the focus group and I'm all signed up to participate this evening. Then I had to figure out how to get there and park. Or whether to ride. It turned out that it was an 8-minute walk to the El. That's fine at 6pm but not at 8pm. Not for me, anyway. I'd rather pay the safety tax. So I reserved a parking spot in a nearby garage for $12. It is a garage I have used before, so it won't seem too strange.
I learned that they will provide a "light supper" if you get there early enough. Yes, I will get there early enough! And there will even be a drawing for $75 extra if you're there ahead of time. They really want to start on time! The compensation is $175. All in all, sounds like a good deal to me. I hope it's not a selling situation, but I researched the company, and it looks like it is truly market research.
More laundry to do today, and I have to pack up my Florida grandson's birthday package. I'm a little late on that; his birthday is Sunday.
Variables spending is now at 37%; think I will be okay if there are no surprises.
Posted in
September 6th, 2016 at 02:09 pm
Calories: Cheat Day!
Just roughly estimating in my head, I'm sure I went over 2000, and ate all the wrong things, but I did enjoy our labor day cookout.
Now I'm back on the wagon. Back from the gym.
No spending except for the $29 which was withdrawn by my Medicare supplement plan.
Today it's laundry, and firming up my plans (or not) to attend the focus group.
We're going to have two scorcher days, so I've revved up the AC.
No word yet from the museum, but my boss probably isn't in her office yet. I assume she will respond to my email.
Guess that's it!
Posted in
September 5th, 2016 at 03:33 pm
Calories: 1484
Today I'm going to a lakeside cookout for the Labor Day holiday. I expect I will be eating a couple of hot dogs. Who knows what the sides will be? I'll have to be strong.
I asked what to bring and was told -- a chair! So I guess I won't bring food. I hope it isn't one of those deals where everyone else ignores the host and brings food anyway to show how generous they are. I'm going to do as he says and bring myself and a chair.
I got my hair cut yesterday - $16. People were telling me it looked nice longer, so I was kind of hesitating about getting my hair trimmed. But I went, and I asked for an inch off, and I'm glad I did. In my opinion, it looks so much better. And that inch makes a difference in how easy it is to care for.
The gym is closed today, so I will try to work in a walk. The weather is nice, so there is no excuse. Oh, and I learned that free pizza day has been rescheduled for next Monday. Yay!
After the cookout, there is at least one load of laundry to do.
Variables spending is at 35%, with 23 days to go.
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