Weekends --
I want to relax -- I have to get things done. Having tasks having over my head almost ruins my weekends.
My most satisfying days, however, are the ones in which I get something done, but also enjoy myself doing something fun.
I've developed a sort of game I play. I make a list of everything I have to do -- no particular order. Then I roll a die (I use one from an old Dungeons & Dragons game, because it has a lot of numbers). I do whatever task is that number on the list. The element of surprise helps me somehow.
When I get that task done, I do something fun -- like what I'm doing now! Then I roll the die again and get another task done.
I never get through the whole list, but I do get things done, and still have some fun. Of course the fun is always something free, like reading or doing a puzzle or watching a free movie.
And of course, when I busy myself like this all day, I don't get out to spend money!!!
My task game
June 4th, 2006 at 03:09 pm
June 4th, 2006 at 06:16 pm 1149441415