Home > Debt, Temptation and Foul Odors

Debt, Temptation and Foul Odors

June 6th, 2006 at 11:53 pm

Well, I thought I was going to be able to transfer all my debt to American Express and have just one payment to make per month. I looked at my online account on Capital One today and I see that only about 3/4 of the balance was transferred. So far nothing at all has happened with Chase and MBNA. I don't know what the deal is -- I was really wanting to get them all consolidated and Amex offered such a good rate. But I will pay them off no matter what. It will happen eventually.

Monday was a no-spend day, but today I broke down and got a granola bar from the vending machine. I get so hungry at work. I don't have snacky stuff at home to pack, because I've been so frugal with the grocery shopping. I'm also not predicting very well how much food I'll need when I pack in the morning. I guess I need to be more realistic.

Tomorrow the carpet cleaners come, and not a moment too soon! I hope they can clean the smelly spots my poor kitty left during his last weeks of life. They're pretty bad. I've been using "Get Serious" on them -- which worked great for dog poop stains -- but it's not doing the trick.

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