Well, here I am in splendor at the Hyatt. My roommate sprang for internet service and nicely let use her computer. I didn't know that hotels didn't provide free internet access! I thought they were like wireless cafes!
My traveling day was a little spendy -- it cost $26 for ground transportation from the airport to the hotel. I paid $3 in tips for bag-handling, and dinner cost about $13. I had a $1 coffee at the airport, but was able to skip lunch because I had granola bars in my carry-on.
My per diem was $49, so I still came in under. (I had to walk for dinner -- the hotel is somewhat isolated and the restaurants within it are pricey. A colleague and I took the free shuttle to the front gate and walked a couple of blocks to find a very nice Indian restaurant. Worth it, but I did get a blister!)
Yesterday I spent $8 for lunch (once again outside the compound) and skipped supper -- that is skipped paying for it, because there was a reception with heavy hors-d'oevres, so I really had a pretty nice supper. Went to the free gym for my evening entertainment. So out of my $49 per diem, I saved $41!
Today breakfast and lunch are provided, so I have $24 for supper to work with. I should be able to come in under that.
Conference living
August 10th, 2006 at 12:27 pm
August 10th, 2006 at 05:54 pm 1155228887
August 10th, 2006 at 10:08 pm 1155244112
August 11th, 2006 at 12:20 pm 1155295224
I didn't know about Starbucks making you pay for wireless. Interesting! Another reason to steer clear.