Today I spent $1.65 on treats for our student workers, and .55 for myself -- all from the vending machine. Had I only remembered to bring something from home, that could have been avoided. (Treats for our students is an obligation at the end of each semester; my boss' idea -- I wouldn't mind so much if it were my idea!)
I also ordered a game online which I may use as a Christmas present -- that was $20.94 including shipping.
At lunch I went to the library and had to pay a library fine of .75. But I found .11 right afterterwards so the library gods were thanking me, I figure!
My sister left this morning and I am just getting back into my normal life after Thanksgiving. Normal except that I have a bad cold which is wearing me down. I really need to rest, and I will do that soon. I'm eager to dive into my four new books from the library.
I am a little blue, feeling like I will never improve financially. Thanksgiving was so expensive, and Christmas will be, too. My only other option is not to see family during the holidays -- what kind of choice is that? It seems like there is always something that pushes me over the limit, no matter how much resolve I have.
But maybe I am just blue because I'm tired and sick. That would be a good reason, wouldn't it? :-)
Meals today:
Breakfast: Toast, yogurt, cider
Lunch: Cheese pizza
Snack: Tortilla chips
Dinner: Chicken salad sandwich, orange juice
Getting back to normal
November 29th, 2006 at 11:25 pm
November 30th, 2006 at 12:16 am 1164845794
November 30th, 2006 at 05:54 pm 1164909273
December 4th, 2006 at 06:20 pm 1165256402