It's been a bit of a spendy weekend, but I've gotten some things done.
Yesterday I grocery-shopped, buying only the loss leaders at Kroger - $18.16 (saved $15.71). Today I went out to lunch at IHOP with friends. I frugally ordered the senior 3-stack, only $2.99 -- but it turned out one of my friends picked up the tab. I paid the tip, which was $2.50. Then this afternoon I went to Wal-Mart, buying mulch, flowers, and wind chimes ($117.52). A lot of money, but it really perked up the curb appeal. No deals, unfortunately.
I got quite a few things done on the house, too. Besides all the lawn work, I painted the bathroom, and touched up the kitchen, laundry room and a lot of trim. Emptied a bookcase so I could move it -- that is the area where the rug has to be pulled up to check the pad. Hung a picture. Cleaned the limey fixtures in the bathroom. Did all my laundry, too! And even made myself some corn on the cob, which was so delicious. Still have to touch up in the study and living room. I'm getting closer...
Tomorrow my office goes on a retreat, which means -- free lunch! Woo hoo!
A busy, productive weekend
May 7th, 2007 at 12:47 am
May 7th, 2007 at 12:50 am 1178495447